Pets at Home hay, Timothy vs. Meadow vs. Mixed


Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 11, 2022
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Hi folks,

I wonder if anyone else has noticed that Pets at Home Timothy hay is often not very good compared to their meadow hay or Timothy/meadow mix? I often want to buy the Timothy because it's supposed to be the best, but it is so often just a mess of stalks, and if we do get it, the pigs leave 3/4 of it uneaten. The last bag I was actually worried, it was so stalky it made me fear for their eyes. Like straw, almost.

The meadow and mixed hays are also very variable, but I can usually find a decent-looking bag if I rummage around, and the pigs agree.

I can't help wondering why this is. It's like they just don't have a decent source of Timothy.
The goblins didn't like the timothy very much. Never tried them with the meadow hay (they won't touch meadow hay at all, that's not just a P@H thing) but yeah, I wouldn't blame them, it didn't look great to me either. And it's weird for timothy, almost like it's a bargain version of meadow hay, which it shouldn't be.
That's what I thought. It's like the Basics is better than the Taste the Difference. Weird.
I’ve only ever bought the timothy hay/meadow hay mix, as you’re right the plain timothy hay always seem to be low quality when I try it.

The mix is a bit or miss in itself but my boys love it wether it’s all “flaky” or joined together in massive clumps.
I'd try the meadow if there was even half a chance they'd eat it, but they won't. Bloody fussy little gits don't like soft(ish) hay 😏 and the P@H timothy is too soft, really, which is why I find it's more like meadow hay. I'd be snookered trying to buy them hay in-store anywhere, now, few places sell the hard/crunchy/attack mode hay they'll eat.
It’s interesting …….cos Bobby and Geoff will only eat soft hay ! They are given Timothy hay as an extra some days but after a stalk or two the rest is left 😂
Honestly it doesn't matter what hay they have as long as it's a grass hay and not alfalfa (Lucerne hay).

I have 8 pigs and there's only 3 that will eat any type of hay. The others prefer Timothy and leave the much softer meadow for sleeping in only.

The more expensive 1kg bags at p@h (own brand or Burgess) is alright and gets eaten. The cheaper bales never get eaten and quality is very hit and miss.

Have you looked at hay box, oxbow or small pet select (and similar brands). Timothy is typically good quality time after time. Some do small boxes which is better for those who don't have the storage space.

I've never had luck with the bagged Burgess, but the boxed (4.5kg) has been good, and the goblins will eat it without fuss. Just expensive, like the bagged stuff is, compared to a 5kg or 10kg box from Happy Hay.
I've never had luck with the bagged Burgess, but the boxed (4.5kg) has been good, and the goblins will eat it without fuss. Just expensive, like the bagged stuff is, compared to a 5kg or 10kg box from Happy Hay.
I will admit I've only tried their long strand Timothy, but yes it's quite expensive. I normally get haybox hay as I have space to store it but I know not everyone does. Heard a lot about happy hay. Have the goblins tried any? They have similar tastes to 2 of my fussiest pigs.
They've had the timothy and the orchard - only the timothy recently, there's a new box of orchard sitting downstairs for when my timothy supply runs out. They've loved the timothy any time they've had it, but it is vicious. The last box, when it was newly opened and I was trying to separate it out a little so I could give them some, I ended up with 3 skelfs, two in just one finger lol. It's really stalky, really hard on the hands, why they live it so much I'll never understand lol. The orchard's much easier on my hands. I've tried them with the samplers happy Hay use, too - they ignored the meadow (and the fancy crau) outright, rye did get eaten because it was there, and oat went down well.
Update: they thought they were getting treats, but I took their hay tub downstairs to fill the other half with orchard and gave them the two mixed. They are unhappy with the hay instead. My fingers are, they pack those mini bales tight lol.
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Clearly your efforts aren't good enough Lorcan. Be careful, the goblins may start thinking about rehoming you if you're deemed 'untrainable'! 😂