Peter's memorial

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Oct 13, 2006
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Croydon, Victoria, Australia
Hi all,

Peter Gurney's birthday is on 9th March and some friends i have in the USA are doing a memorial for him by lighting a candle on this date.
I think it's a lovely idea.
Would you all like to do this?
Please comment :)
how wonderful he was a very special man among pig lovers, maybe a peter posting for the day saying what and how he has helped us all out, ;)
Yes that's good we could make it a real celebration of his wonderful life, he so deserves it we all owe him HEAPS :-*
Keep the ideas going, see what you all come up with......
That sounds like a lovely idea. Ah I see Peter's b'day was 9th March which is 2 days before my birthday. That means he was a Pisces too. Hmm I wonder if there is a link between being pisces and being piggie mad. I'm sure all you other star signs are going to disagree with me now lol!

Alex x
alexr said:
That sounds like a lovely idea. Ah I see Peter's b'day was 9th March which is 2 days before my birthday. That means he was a Pisces too. Hmm I wonder if there is a link between being pisces and being piggie mad. I'm sure all you other star signs are going to disagree with me now lol!

Alex x

not me I'm a pisces too march 5th is my birthday and we are the carers so it says of the star signs,
I have a Pisces moon - which makes me so emotionally vulnerable. ;D

Aquarius in the sun, Sagittarius rising sign.
My birthday is 8th March !

I think pisces are generally animal lovers - both my best friend and my brother in law are pisces and vegetarians.

I think a celebration of Peters life is a lovely idea. I drove past his house on Sat night and felt a moment of sadness :(
natnat said:
who is peter gurntey?

Peter Gurney wrote a good few books on guinea pig care and was something of a guiding light in this field when many vets knew very little about guineas and their care (sadly some still don't). One of his best books was "Piggy Potions" I'd guess a lot of us have this one on our groaning bookshelves.

If you do a web search you should come up with some interesting links?

Peter made vets aware that guinea pigs were in need of different methods of health care. He pioneered a lot of remedies and his web site is wonderful for ailing piggies, the advice is very practical.
Yes look up google and then go to the web site :)
I was thinking that a fitting tribute might be to have a Piggy Day on 9th March. We could give all our piggies a second birthday (like the Queen) and spoil them rotten. I think Peter would have been all for that!
alexr said:
I was thinking that a fitting tribute might be to have a Piggy Day on 9th March. We could give all our piggies a second birthday (like the Queen) and spoil them rotten. I think Peter would have been all for that!

That sounds good and maybe those of us who can do so could make a donation to our favourite guinea rescue/The CCT or perhaps that children's hospital he worked with?

Peter also did a lot for the Great Ormond street hospital by taking piggys in to visit sick kids he wrote 2 great books on it all, and was as already said a legend
michellemuffin said:
Peter also did a lot for the Great Ormond street hospital by taking piggys in to visit sick kids he wrote 2 great books on it all

That's the hospital I was trying to think of :)
I believe in practicality as well as "sentimentality" and so think a little donation here would be very much appreciated by Peter?

I never read the books about the hospital visits, not really interested in that type of thing (book), though I believe it's very worthy. I've seen quite a few PAT dogs in hosps and nursing homes over the years and they are generally well accepted :)
I always loved to see them anyway.

if i was ever in hospital hubby would have a job making sure my babys were ok photos daily of every one to show me they are ok lol, when I went in to give birth to my first Stuart 25 years ago I made mIck take a photo of our dog muffin for me to keep and know he was alright,
Awwwwwwwww that's so you Michelle, what a lovely thing for Mick to do as well.
Yes i'm glad you mentioned his hospital visits he was well known for that and what pleasure he gave it's been in a number of newspaper articles i've read :) :) :)
cavykind said:
alexr said:
I was thinking that a fitting tribute might be to have a Piggy Day on 9th March. We could give all our piggies a second birthday (like the Queen) and spoil them rotten. I think Peter would have been all for that!

That sounds good and maybe those of us who can do so could make a donation to our favourite guinea rescue/The CCT or perhaps that children's hospital he worked with?


I think this is a splendid idea Barbara
Yes I think donating to a rescue/charity would be a great idea. :) However, my piggies have now overheard me talking about having a special Piggy Day and would be very disappointed if I failed to deliver haha. Boris is up at the bars looking menacing 666)
Re: Peter's memorial 'REMINDER'

Hi everyone, hoping you will all remember that it's Peter's birthday 9th March (today already for me) and to either light the candle about 8pm or as Barbara said have another birthday for your piggie. Either idea is great just a way to remember our 'Patron' saint of Piggies (hope nobody minds me saying this)
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