Persuading Parents- Bring Pigs Inside

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 11, 2014
Reaction score
Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England
Hi. So I am bidding on this hutch -

On ebay, as I really really want to bring my piggies inside in a couple of months, they're already showing signs of being cold and I worry about them all the time outside, so if they were indoors in winter I'd be at peace. However, my parents only let me have guinea pigs if they went outdoors and I'm so worried they'll say I can't bring it inside. I have a couple of good places to put the hutch, however we do have a big dog who already pesters and is very curious of the guinea pigs, but if they were inside he could view them through the glass doors without being able to reach them, maybe that'd calm him? Any way could anyone please give me tips on how to persuade my parents to let me bring the guinea pigs indoors. Thanks so much, I worry about them x
all i can think is to say that you have been reading on here and noticed people talking about bringing their piggies in soon for the winter, and how it is better for them. see how they react and take it from there. good luck :)
It hasn't been a nice summer unfortunately, and the usual warm temps that would keep them going haven't been on our side.
Guinea pigs do not do well with cold, and when the weather turns as easily as it has been a guinea can get ill very quickly; I once had my rain cover blow off and my guineas and their bedding get absolutely soaked - one was at the vets the next day with a very bad URI. You can use the ability to maintain the temperature, monitor their health better and reducing the likelihood of illness to your advantage - I'm sure they'd not rather pay out for the vet bills. Emphasise how you will be responsible for them and keeping them and their houses clean; it may be a concern of theirs that they will smell.
Trust me, now mine are indoors my fiance and I would never put them back outside again :) Good luck
It hasn't been a nice summer unfortunately, and the usual warm temps that would keep them going haven't been on our side.
Guinea pigs do not do well with cold, and when the weather turns as easily as it has been a guinea can get ill very quickly; I once had my rain cover blow off and my guineas and their bedding get absolutely soaked - one was at the vets the next day with a very bad URI. You can use the ability to maintain the temperature, monitor their health better and reducing the likelihood of illness to your advantage - I'm sure they'd not rather pay out for the vet bills. Emphasise how you will be responsible for them and keeping them and their houses clean; it may be a concern of theirs that they will smell.
Trust me, now mine are indoors my fiance and I would never put them back outside again :) Good luck

Aw that's sad to hear! I'll tell them all that, really can't bare to think of them being outside in the snow or whatever :ple: I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow
You'll have better time to interact with them if they are inside and it is more rewarding both for you and the guinea pigs. Try using that to persuade your parents. Say you can Bed them on fleece, keeps down the mess from bedding, although there is an initial outlay, it does work out cheaper, but you will have to wash it weekly. You can buy their hay in blocks, so you don't get hay everywhere. If you ask them to give it a trial run now, before it get too chilly, then, it won't be too much of a shock for the piggies if they end up back outside. Once they are in, they won't end up back outside.....but your parents know that!
You'll have better time to interact with them if they are inside and it is more rewarding both for you and the guinea pigs. Try using that to persuade your parents. Say you can Bed them on fleece, keeps down the mess from bedding, although there is an initial outlay, it does work out cheaper, but you will have to wash it weekly. You can buy their hay in blocks, so you don't get hay everywhere. If you ask them to give it a trial run now, before it get too chilly, then, it won't be too much of a shock for the piggies if they end up back outside. Once they are in, they won't end up back outside.....but your parents know that!

I'll try it thanks. So far nothing's working guys, they're saying they smell too much to be in the house?! I said I'd clean them out twice a week but they won't give me the time of day as per usual
I've only ever kept mine indoors but even when there were ten in one room (long story involving two surprise pregnancies!) visitors to the house only ever commented on how nice the hay smelt!

I hope you can talk your parents round - at the end of the day, it will cost more in possible vets bills, suitable equipment for keeping them outdoors etc than a little bit of house space taken up :)
They only smell if they aren't cleaned out regularly, and since you've offered to do that then you shouldn't have any troubles. You can get hay cushions/racks to keep the hutches tidy, everything is easily cleaned up. They won't cause any damage I'm sure :) I really hope that it works out, sometimes they can be awkward.
Ahh how annoying for you. Hubby was the same but we compromised on a shed. They now have a heated shed which is often much cosier than the house in winter, warm, dry and you don't have to worry about hay everywhere. Do you have a shed you could use?
I have kept free rangers in a huge run, 12ft by 6ft with a solid roof, there were boxes and hutches in there full of hay, they were protected by trees too. It was only open on one side. But it wasn't heated. Most of my girls lived at least to the age of 5 years, some 7 years or older. Some were born there, in internal hutches, so they never knew any different, old ex breeding girls fitted in fine. But I didn't get to interact with them, they were fed twice a day, and would come to me, but it was no fun in the middle of winter having to feed, change frozen water bottles etc. The piggies were fine in their little cozy boxes with fresh hay every day and a straw floor. None ever ailed with anything. But I put that down to no stress, and good food.
I wouldn't do that again, mine are in the house now, I would have never had a problem with my late husband as he was more piggy mad than me, but now, I can just please myself!
This is the thread I made recently:

I was trying to persuade my mum to let the girls come inside for when it's the darker and colder weather.
You could try to persuade your parents to take them in by:

-Saying they can get health problems outside during the winter
-They're more part of the family when they're inside
-Less likely to get bored of them if they're indoors
-Could you offer to pay for some piggie supplies, food etc?
-I can see a difference in my girls when they're outside (they have a proper thermal cover, and the hutch is in a un-used garage, but...) they seem to be a bit un-happy, they don't toggle around the fleece much, and seem to generally prefer to stay in the same place
-Bringing them inside will make them happy, and piggies are very sociable, they will enjoy their time inside

Could you keep the hutch somewhere away from the dog?
I would suggest buying a c&c cage for indoors, but as there's a dog about the house, it is less sturdy, so the hutch is the better option.
I hope you can convince your parents. I know what it is like not being able what you want to do.
Bets of luck.
Ok I think I'm persuading him :yahoo: However he's quite determined to just out that hutch/cage in the shed, which I don't want, and get a small plastic one for indoors! He won't listen that the plastic ones are too small. I'll give you a further update later. Thank you for all the responses,I've used them all in a big list I sent him
Thank you all but guess what? I was outbid and it just got too ridiculous to match:/ considering a c&c cage now, they closed at the minute but I think I'll post another thread about c&c cages. Thanks so much
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