Perfect Bedding?

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Maisy and Poppy

Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Well, in March we are moving and FINALLY my piggies will be inside!:)So excited.
Well I was wondering what bedding is good.

Fleece and other fabric beddings
My Mum hates the idea of hay and piggy wee in her washing machine and also I tried fleece once with a litter tray with aubiose in an the piggies still weed on the fleece and it smelt which my friends Mum was not pleased with! Also spot cleaning took please like every hour!

Aubiose and wood shavings
Well, wood shavings are dusty and absorb wee but do not allow it to evaporate so not very hygienic. Aubiose get everywhere and is a nightmare when you clean the whole cage out every few days!

So expensive!

Shredded paper
My piggies eat it!

Got a sample from very kind @Polly and Rosie. Pieces seem quite small but larger than aubiose.
What bedding do you think is the best?
Everyone is going to have their own opinions based on what they use and what fits with them, the best thing to do is to try one at a time and see which you think is best for your budget.

I used fleece and feel out with it, started using Aubiose which I have recommended to you before. Now I am back on fleece and second time around I have jelled with it.
I tried various forms of loose bedding in my first year & didn't really like any of it for various reasons. It was this forum put me onto fleece & vetbed. Have been using vetbed in their cages & fleece in their floor runs for over 3 years now. I just use old duvet covers to wash in so don't get hair & hay all over the wash machine. As for pee I just use Napisan in the wash just like I used to with my son's things when he was a wee bub. .
After moving boys permanently from outside to inside and after getting fed up with messy shavings and hay I tried fleece throws bought from shops and put them over puppy pads, towels etc, but they always seemed to whiff in a very short period of time, I almost gave up on fleece!:hb:

but it was on the recommendation of others on the forum I tried purpose made cage liners and these have been so great - super absorbant, great to wash and no problems with smell.:yahoo:

As the liner is sewn as a complete items (and not loose layers) when I clean the boys I just do their hay box first, so they jump back in out of the way and start munching, and then its so easy to lift out the tunnels etc from the main cage, and then hold up the liner - the poops just fall off into the tray, and then after a quick brush up of poops in the base and quick disinfect the liner is back down, tunnels etc in and finished! I use lap pads under the tunnel where alot of poop gathers so that the main liner can last longer before washing.

Has made cleaning so quick and easy and the leopard and zebra prints I ordered from Ziggies Piggies totally camoflague the poops and I dont even realise how many there are till I shake them down which I do morning and night, It means when I have visitors I dont need to worry about them walking past and seeing loads of poops so I am staying clear of plain fabrics! the large hay tray is catching alot of the pee and poop too as they spend alot of time in there so I just line that with a puppy pad and roll the whole thing up and bin when I clean it out. :tu:
revised cage.webp
As it was said you need to try what works for you!
I use Fitch and love it! Poops and pee show up well on it so I can poop scoop every day and by doing this it can last at least a week before I need a full change. I've never notice a smell either as I only put newspaper under the areas they don't pee (away from the edges!) xx
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