Percy Speaks!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 10, 2015
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No idea where to post this, this spot looks good!
Percy has been living with us for a bit over a year now (we think he's around 3-4) and in that year, he hasn't made a noise, not a peep! We just assumed that Percy is just a little bit special and he was destined to live life as a mute piggy that pulls funny faces. 3 days ago we were having snuggle time (the two piggies, my partner and I). Albie is a very vocal pig and was squeaking away, when Percy decided to join in too! Now for the last few days if he's being snuggled and Albie is with him and squeaking, Percy will squeak too!
Any ideas on what's brought on this change in behaviour? (I'm not complaining! I love it when they tell us they're happy) Could it just be that he's finally worked out he can be safe and happy in this home? It didn't take him long to settle in and he's always been happy to cuddle for as long as his bladder will hold out!

Awwwwww bless him he has finally found his voice, some piggies are just quieter than others! We had a mute piggy - Putt the girl on our left in our avatar, she only wheeked once. She was utterly wonderful and we had a great bond with her and our only lap piggy, she always lacked a little confidence compared to her sister.

It is lovely that Percy has found his voice - bless him
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