Pepper and Pebble are moving in!


Senior Guinea Pig
Forum Buddy
Nov 22, 2020
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I am beyond happy.

Both my children are buying houses so will be moving out soon …… so my husband (aka maintenance man for the piggies) has said they can move in on a trial basis. He thinks they will smell and it will be messy.

I haven’t told the boys yet as it’s still a few months away. But I’m so happy.

I will be using fleece definitely. But I’m sure I will have lots of questions nearer the time about making sure they won’t smell etc. ☺️
I don't find my boars smell normally, it's usually if fleece changes are due. I walked into the house after being out for a few hours this morning and there was a very faint whiff. They should have had a complete fleece change today but I have been running around all day sorting out unexpected problems so I've only changed the pee pads. Tomorrow they will get complete cage changes.
Lexi and Thea are on fleece in the garage. I only notice a smell if I have been too busy (or forgotten) to change the hay. It's damp hay that smells bad. They normally get a complete change of fleece in the hutch once a week except for the winter months when it's twice a week. The run gets a change once a week.
My outdoor pigs came indoors in a large dog crate when one of them was poorly. Next thing I knew, hub was measuring up and looking at cages, his office turned in to a piggy room and they never moved back out :D. How exciting for you, Pepper and Pebble :D I only notice a smell as it gets closer to clean out day x
Aww how exciting for the boys! I never find my boys smell, we live in an open plan flat so they are literally 2m from the sofa and it’s fine!
Mine are indoors and the only time they smell is if cage cleaning is delayed because I’ve been busy.
Mine live on wood shavings as I can’t cope with the laundry of fleeces
Wow! Hope your boys are excited when you tell them. We never noticed any smell from our piggies, except for when Billy moved in, he likes to add some boar aroma to the room, it has lessened a bit, just when I gave his home a big clean out this week.
At our peak we had five piggies (2 boars and 3 sows) in cages in the living room right behind the sofa.
My DH was reluctant at first and said similar things abut them going outside the minute they smelt, but it was just never an issue.
Regular pee pad and hay try changes, and main fleece once a week and we never had a problem.

Honestly we all ended up loving having them in the centre of our home that it was just a huge added bonus and smell never really came into it.
Thanks everyone. I honestly can’t wait. What do you put under fleece? Puppy pads or news papers, then the fleece, then a very large hay area?
Thanks everyone. I honestly can’t wait. What do you put under fleece? Puppy pads or news papers, then the fleece, then a very large hay area?
I don’t put anything under my fleece and don’t have an issues, I use a bit of back to nature under the hay area as it just makes sweeping easier!
Yay 🎉 my boars don’t smell. If anything smells it’s the hay - but a faint whiff. I use newspaper under the fleece. I clean the correx and change the paper/fleece every 3 or 4 days although they could go longer. I’ve just got into a routine now!
i had alot of piggies outside in hutches,this is the 1st year ive had them in since last summer.i use disposable bedding.ive found it much easier to look after them.There is no smell even with 12 others have said if cleaning out gets delayed after one week then there can be a small smell.The hay does get everywhere !
I have 2 indoor boars in a c&c set up - there is no smell and I use fleece - use a large pet laundry bag when you wash the fleece to save your washing machine and white distilled vinegar in place of conditioner to keep the fleece working
So I have my amazing fleece liners custom made by @rp1993.

I’ve washed them all twice with non bio washing powder and no softener.

How do I know they are “wicked”?
So, my son moved out last weekend and we are busy decorating his old room to turn it into our dressing room. Posh, I know. 🤣

Once this has been completed we can then move onto our old study to decorate it and move the boys in. 😬. I’m so excited. I’ve bought a new chair, some new cube storage to store their stuff. Some new hay containers, new fleeces (thank you @rp1993).

I hope they deal with the move okay 🤞🏻.

They will be staying in the same cage So on the day of the move I will be bringing them in with their usual smells and won’t clean them out for a couple of days.

I really want this to work. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Having moved the goblins what, 3 times now? You're doing all the important stuff. More than that will be up to the rascals themselves.
I am beyond happy.

Both my children are buying houses so will be moving out soon …… so my husband (aka maintenance man for the piggies) has said they can move in on a trial basis. He thinks they will smell and it will be messy.

I haven’t told the boys yet as it’s still a few months away. But I’m so happy.

I will be using fleece definitely. But I’m sure I will have lots of questions nearer the time about making sure they won’t smell etc. ☺️
Love this. I use fleece and have no issues whatsoever with smell.
Aww this is super exciting! I’m sure they will love their new room!
Do you put anything under your fleece? Do you use extra pee pads? Thanks
I use a 3x2 in a 5x2 cage and don't use anything under it, it has an absorbant layer in the middle. I got it made on etsy. That's their sleeping/play area then the other 2x2 I use noddle mats with puppy pads underneath and that's their hay area. I find as long as I spot clean and remove wet hay twice a day there's no smell at all.
I’m sure they will be fine .
We moved house with ours so all the smells were new.
They had their old hideys and used fleecy tunnels for the familiar smells but as they stayed with aunty @PigglePuggle for a few days while we moved there were lots of new smells.

They were absolutely fine.
I use a 3x2 in a 5x2 cage and don't use anything under it, it has an absorbant layer in the middle. I got it made on etsy. That's their sleeping/play area then the other 2x2 I use noddle mats with puppy pads underneath and that's their hay area. I find as long as I spot clean and remove wet hay twice a day there's no smell at all.
Thanks. I’m planning on not needing anything under my fleece either. I’ve got noodle mats for the two hay areas.
I’m sure they will be fine .
We moved house with ours so all the smells were new.
They had their old hideys and used fleecy tunnels for the familiar smells but as they stayed with aunty @PigglePuggle for a few days while we moved there were lots of new smells.

They were absolutely fine.
That’s reassuring. Thank you. I am worried of breaking the bond with a move. But the hey seem happy with each other so 🤞🏻🤞🏻
Thanks everyone. I honestly can’t wait. What do you put under fleece? Puppy pads or news papers, then the fleece, then a very large hay area?
I used puppy pads under my fleece when I had them in the c&c cage but now they are in an enclosed cage bc the kids wouldn’t leave them alone, so now I use paper bedding and puppy pads under and never had an issue with smell with the fleece or the paper bedding and the are right in the living room, the only time I smell anything is when I actually take the bedding out and stick it in a trash bag, with the fleece I spot cleaned a lot then changed it every week, but I would be able to get away with changing the fleece every 10 days, sometimes