People with piggies out for the summer/in for the winter..

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, England
Any ideas when you're bringing your piggies in for the winter? I know it's a bit early to ask lol it's like summer here now but just wondering...

or does it just depend on how the temperature drops? Just wondering so I can get planning to build my cage again XD


I'm not sure what I am doing yet, I may built a C&C cage in the shed or just go for hutch huggers depends on what hubby says really as he'll have to help me with building one! If i was to bring them in it would be the end of October, but if the weather turns anyway worse than it is I would bring in earlier than that! :)

When mine come in I'm gunna build their C&C cage which they lived in before in my bedroom ;) It would send me crazy cleaning them out in the rain/wind/snow :P Think I'm probably gunna bring them in mid-september, but it depends on the weather ;)
That's my reasoning I can't get out in the garden in the winter so the shed would do nicely or our spare room but I really need to clean it! I'm a mucky pup with all my books and junk! :)
I brought mine into the house last winter about end of September :)but the did go in the run a few hours a day untill mid October if it was dry. This year I have given up on the summer weather and they are in the shed which is insulated and has a heater for the really cold months. So mine are inside piggies although I was tempted to put them back out, might have a look at the forcaste its hutch clean day tomorrow ;)
i dont know what to do about my piggies I'm think ov converting the shed into piggy heaven and get loads ov the vet beds and boxes for them, might move in with them better than the hubby lol ;D
i've moved them back into the utility already, got fed up with the weather this summer. they have been in their runs on lovely days though.
mine have been in and out, bloomin weather ::) however they are out now, as the weather is ok at the mo here. if all goes well, and the weather is nice, i will probably bring them in mid sept. as jane said, if the weather is baad then sooner! :)
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