

Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 20, 2021
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I give my guinea pig a full bowl of pellets is that wrong? Ive seen online that a few tablespoons is enough but I was afraid he would hurt his neck if he constantly had to bend it since the pellets would be at the bottom of the bowl. My vet said he was a bit underweight, so wouldent it be better if he ate more pellets to gain weight?
A tablespoon a day is all they need. Pellets are the least important part of a piggy’s diet, making up only 5%. They’re the chocolate of the piggy world. Hay, hay and more hay is the way they will put on weight. Just bear in mind that weight will be gained slowly.

How old is your piggy and how much does he weigh? You can’t go on weight alone - heft is the best indicator of condition as there is no ‘set suitable’ weight. If there is a downward trend (at each weekly weigh in) then it’s okay. Fluctuations of up to 50g a week are ‘okay’.

The less pellets he has the more hay he will eat. It may be hard at first but just drop him to a tablespoon. You could scatter feed to make it more fun for him.
Weight - Monitoring and Management
:agr: with everything above. The less pellets he eats, the more hay he will eat and the better his long term health will be

He would gain weight through eating pellets but it wouldn’t be healthy weight gain. It would be the equivalent of you putting on weight through eating chocolate and biscuits.

He isn’t going to hurt his neck - they are designed to eat off the floor and forage through. I don’t use bowls at all and encourage activity by mixing their tablespoon of pellets and veg on amongst piles of hay. They spend ages being kept occupied searching for it
A tablespoon a day is all they need. Pellets are the least important part of a piggy’s diet, making up only 5%. They’re the chocolate of the piggy world. Hay, hay and more hay is the way they will put on weight. Just bear in mind that weight will be gained slowly.

How old is your piggy and how much does he weigh? You can’t go on weight alone - heft is the best indicator of condition as there is no ‘set suitable’ weight. If there is a downward trend (at each weekly weigh in) then it’s okay. Fluctuations of up to 50g a week are ‘okay’.

The less pellets he has the more hay he will eat. It may be hard at first but just drop him to a tablespoon. You could scatter feed to make it more fun for him.
Weight - Monitoring and Management
Oh ok ill make sure to only give him a tablesoon now. My guinea pig is a 6 year old male and weighs 2 pounds and 11 ounces. According to his weight he is a bit on the heavier side but my vet felt his ribs and said he was a little underweight. And ok thanks so much I will try that! I have realized that he doesent eat much hay so maybe thats why.
:agr: with everything above. The less pellets he eats, the more hay he will eat and the better his long term health will be

He would gain weight through eating pellets but it wouldn’t be healthy weight gain. It would be the equivalent of you putting on weight through eating chocolate and biscuits.

He isn’t going to hurt his neck - they are designed to eat off the floor and forage through. I don’t use bowls at all and encourage activity by mixing their tablespoon of pellets and veg on amongst piles of hay. They spend ages being kept occupied searching for it
Oh gosh I never knew that! I always just thought pellets are as healthy as hay since it has hay in it. Ill try the pellets with the vegitables but I always keep his pellets in a bowl near his water to encourage drinking, will he stop drinking as much if i do this?
We used a little plate to feed our piggies their pellets when they got older. That way they didn't work so hard when they were eating. If your piggy doesn't care, you can always just put it on the floor of their house if you use fleece.
We used a little plate to feed our piggies their pellets when they got older. That way they didn't work so hard when they were eating. If your piggy doesn't care, you can always just put it on the floor of their house if you use fleece.
Thanks for the idea! Ill try with his vegitables and this way and see which way he likes :)
What makes you think he’s on the overweight side? There is no set weight hence checking heft. I would check it myself. It may be that’s his weight. You can’t compare to another pig because there’s no ‘general ideal weight’.
What makes you think he’s on the overweight side? There is no set weight hence checking heft. I would check it myself. It may be that’s his weight. You can’t compare to another pig because there’s no ‘general ideal weight’.
you I know that hes not overweight now. I used to think that but my vet said hes actaully a bit underweight so I thought pellets would help him gain a little.
you I know that hes not overweight now. I used to think that but my vet said hes actaully a bit underweight so I thought pellets would help him gain a little.
I meant to say "you I know" not "you I know" for some reason it says I said that on my phone.
I wouldn’t say he’s underweight or overweight. It may be that’s right for him. Do you weigh him weekly? Hay is the best way for him to maintain/gain weight. I would just cut back on the r pellets, give him tons of hay and feed the recommended amount of veg.
I wouldn’t say he’s underweight or overweight. It may be that’s right for him. Do you weigh him weekly? Hay is the best way for him to maintain/gain weight. I would just cut back on the r pellets, give him tons of hay and feed the recommended amount of veg.
Oh ok! Yes I weigh him weekly, I used to daily but my vet said thats to often. And ok thanks so much! I never knew that :)
Oh ok! Yes I weigh him weekly, I used to daily but my vet said thats to often. And ok thanks so much! I never knew that :)

Once a week for a weight check is enough for routine care.
You only need to weigh daily if piggy is ill or if you have any concerns over health. These daily weight checks enable you to more closely monitor food intake - whether that is piggy eating independently or if you are syringe feeding and need to know the weight fluctuations to ensure you are syringing enough
Once a week for a weight check is enough for routine care.
You only need to weigh daily if piggy is ill or if you have any concerns over health. These daily weight checks enable you to more closely monitor food intake - whether that is piggy eating independently or if you are syringe feeding and need to know the weight fluctuations to ensure you are syringing enough
Oh ok, I hope I wont ever need to do that but if he ever becomes ill I will! Thanks for the information! :D
One thing to remember is your piggy is 6 years old! He'll lose muscle mass and become bonier anyway as part of the aging process, every animal is the same.
One thing to remember is your piggy is 6 years old! He'll lose muscle mass and become bonier anyway as part of the aging process, every animal is the same.
Should I be worried about him getting bonier? or is there nothing I can do?
Should I be worried about him getting bonier? or is there nothing I can do?
It's a difficult one, if there's nothing wrong with him and he's healthy it could just be age related and nothing you can do. Keep an eye on him and weigh him weekly (make a note) and if he seems to be losing weight each week it may be worth seeing if there's anything wrong with him health wise.

Like the others have said 1tbsp of pellets per pig, per day is plenty.

Has he become bonier quickly or has it been a gradual thing? Had he lost weight?
It's a difficult one, if there's nothing wrong with him and he's healthy it could just be age related and nothing you can do. Keep an eye on him and weigh him weekly (make a note) and if he seems to be losing weight each week it may be worth seeing if there's anything wrong with him health wise.

Like the others have said 1tbsp of pellets per pig, per day is plenty.

Has he become bonier quickly or has it been a gradual thing? Had he lost weight?
My vet said hes very healthy just a bit on the bonier side and could benefit from gaining a little. He hasn't really lost any weight so it may be due to age as you said. Ill change his pellet intake and see if it helps :) Thanks alot!