Pellets and hay when out on the grass?

Claire W

Forum Donator 2024/25
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Lancashire (Originally from Nottingham)
When you put your piggies out on the grass, do you provide them with hay and pellets or just leave them with the grass to graze on? I used to give mine hay in a corner litter tray until last summer when one of them managed to tip the hay tray up and got trapped underneath it. Luckily I was out in the garden at the time to free her but it worried me so much, I stopped doing it. I do give them their pellet bowl but is it really necessary when they have the grass?
I wouldn't bother with a pellet bowl out on the grass ... they can always have their pellet allotment when they go back to their cage for the evening. When the grass is more veggie like, you could give them a handful of hay set right on the grass instead of in a tray ... it's not like you'd need to sweep it later if they don't finish it, just scoop up any heap left. It may be less necessary when the grass approaches hay consistancy.
Mine only get 6 pellets in the morning and 6 in the evening so they don't get those outside. They do get hay however as I believe it helps their digestion, mine are always munching on hay between the grass eating sessions. I use the small cat travel boxes as hay boxes indoors with the doors taken off, so I just herd them into their hay box, clip the door on and put it down into the pen, take the door off again. I often find them sleeping in the hay box. It's so quick and simple, I throw the used hay into the compost bin and clean the box out ready for fresh hay indoors.
Mine always have hay when they are on the lawn. They can often be on the lawn from 8am until 9.30pm and I’d obviously not leave then without hay for that long anyway
I wouldn’t bother with the pellets (mine only get pellets a few times a week in summer though)
My piggies are usually only out on the lawn for 3 to 4 hours (late afternoon/early evening). So i don't usually give them any hay or pellets. They don't seem to mind and just graze on the grass.