Pellet suggestion (UK)


Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 17, 2018
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I'm looking for a new pellet to feed my piggies. However what kind of levels should I be looking for in terms of fibre, protein, calcium, etc..?

I recently realised that the pellets my pigs are on are alfalfa based which would've been fine for Willow as a baby, but I'm concerned these are too rich for Honey and now Willow is growing older, her too..

What pellets does everyone else use?

Thank you in advance :)
Mine currently have a mixture of burgess excel mint and selective grain free. Once the burgess are gone they will be fully on the selective grain free
Mine get whatever is on offer XD within reason, I dont give them the lower quality stuff or alfalfa based. At the moment they're getting a mix of harringtons, science selective grainfree, rosewoods meadow menu and versele laga.

I'm about to try the hay from Hay Box which is a newish subscription thing, they also do pellets so i'll be trying them on those soon too.
Mine all love Harrington's. I have tried others but none are as popular as these with my piggies.
The boys are on harringtons (started with burgess) and the girls are on burgess with mint. They’ll eventually be moved to Harrington’s once the bag starts running low.
Mine are on Harrington's too. Velvet would live off them if she could! She loves them and is first to the pellet bowl in the morning for her bowl of breakfast pellets! She sometimes let's the other 4 share but being Boss Piggy the others have to defer to her and have another bowl to eat from.
Thank you everyone! I think I may try selective grain free, give that one a go, is this one Timothy hay based? Many thanks!
I use mainly Selective grain free but am finishing a bag of Burgess with mint which is mixed in with grain free.
Mine aren’t too fussed about pellets - they’ll eat hay or veggies in preference to their nuggets
My Finn and Lara get Oxbow pellets. I always wondered if Oxbow pellets are sold in UK. I am in US.
I use Harringtons, it's a decent food. The nugget comparison chat linked above is fab for researching what food suits you and your piggies the best.