Pellet advice.


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 14, 2014
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Hi, everyone.

Could I please have some advice.
What do people do with their guinea pig pellets? Do you keep guinea pig pellet dishes topped up, so there's always pellets in the dishes or let them stay empty to the next day? I do measure out the pellets, a small scoop each.
I don't put the pellets in a dish I scatter feed the pellets. 1 tablespoon of pellets per piggy per day. This gets my piggies all excited and they go running around foraging for them. It gives them extra stimulation as they are having to find each and every one. It also stops food hogging from the dominant piggy as piggies can't be in two places at once.
They should not be left with constant access to pellets, so they should not be kept topped up.
They should only have one tablespoon per pig per day.

Mine get their pellets scattered in hay so they have to forage for them. Some will fall through to the megazorb underneath the hay where they won’t find them so they will be thrown away at cage clean time.
If I do use a bowl (very very rarely), then they would have their portion and after about half an hour I would remove the bowls.
Thank you. I wouldn't be able to scatter feed the pellets because I have wood shavings. But I do think that's a really good idea.
How do you serve their hay? If they have loose piles of hay, then you can scatter the pellets into the hay. (Being on wood shavings wouldn’t matter).

If you don’t want to scatter then, just give them one tablespoon each in bowls (the same number of bowls as you have piggies) and once they have eaten their one tablespoon , then remove the bowls until the next day
How do you serve their hay? If they have loose piles of hay, then you can scatter the pellets into the hay. (Being on wood shavings wouldn’t matter).

If you don’t want to scatter then, just give them one tablespoon each in bowls (the same number of bowls as you have piggies) and once they have eaten their one tablespoon , then remove the bowls until the next day
I feed loose hay, but not all the time. But reluctant to do scatter feed pellets in hay, because of them soiling them, as it is they soil some hay.

I feed loose hay, but not all the time. But reluctant to do scatter feed pellets in hay, because of them soiling them, as it is they soil some hay.

Fair enough but just so you know it isn’t a problem. Mine are fully bedded on hay everywhere in their hutch and their pellets don’t last long enough to get soiled!
I have a bowl - actually 2 bowls between 3 pigs to prevent arguments. They can get down to the bottom if needed... some bowls are really deep and high sided! The pellets are measured out at tea-time when they are naturally foraging about in the hay. They don't hog them all at once but they are keen to get at them. Everyone gets a share but one takes more than her share (so she'll be the one storing up trouble for me in the future no doubt) It keeps them busy at night.

Since Pets at Home changed their own brand pellets from being big nuggets to these tiny shredded things we have a problem eating them so the favoured pellet has become the larger burgess excel again. I do some of each type for a bit of variety. The lady in P@H said a lot of people had been in complaining about the same thing!
I have 9 piggies, I feed mine in bowls, they cause such a commotion lol I feed them individually their greens so I know they all get them, then well boom their squeaking so loud and rattling bars wanting their nuggets, I give mine only a few in the morning and in the evening, a bowl each and when there gone, I remove bowls and fluff up hay/add hay and leave them to rest. Hope you find a way that works for you and your wheekers 😂
I have one very small bowl of pellets a day between 4 piggies.
They advise you give 1 tbsp a day per pig, so half in morning and half at night, their main diet is hay, nuggets are not a must, do you give any veggies, can you get more bowls as they should have 1 each same with water bottles and hides with two exits.
My girls get their pellets measured at dinnertime and then doled to their bowls throughout the day ... if the allotment doesn't get fully doled, it's fine, I'll just top up their measuring cups. They have their bowls all the time. Sometimes I'll drop a treat or something in the bowls, too. They don't usually soil their bowls much, though I do have to dump poo out sometimes due to the low sides. I specifically selected shallow bowls, but ceramic, so they don't tip too easily; they may rearrange them as they please so long as the water bottles don't drip in them (that will get the bowl moved). I don't scatter because my pellets are small, and they don't like them like that.
They advise you give 1 tbsp a day per pig, so half in morning and half at night, their main diet is hay, nuggets are not a must, do you give any veggies, can you get more bowls as they should have 1 each same with water bottles and hides with two exits.
My 4 don't seem too fussed about sharing the bowl but they've all been together since they were babies.