Pee Turns Fleece White

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New Born Pup
Jul 13, 2014
Reaction score
Boston Massachusetts USA
Not sure where this should go. I am new to guineapig ownership. I had one when I was 6 but I am 31 now. I have a combo of fleece and care fresh (paper bedding) when meepers pees it leaves a white deposit. Not grainy or lumpy just a streak of white. Is this normal?

Also she is unsocialable. She is 2 and was never handled. I can give her pets on the nose and behind her ears but she is very skittish. Any suggestions? She wil bite if she seems annoyed so we just pet and don't try to pick up but she needs to get picked for her cage to becleaned.
Hi I think the white stuff is just calcium,its normal I am sure some one will come along with advice about handling but our guinea Cousin Amelia was the same but just give her time. Like I said some one will be better to advise on handling .:D
Hello, how are you? Mine have fleece upstairs and hay downstairs. I noticed the same white on their fleece. I googled it and although I am brand new to owning cavies, I read that if it is powder and gritty, then that is bad but not to worry otherwise. I read to keep an eye out in case it changes. Check out the links they give you here as the people here know so much and they are so helpful. You did the right thing by coming to a forum and for me it has been wonderful. Much better than endless googling. Bye
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