Forum Donator 2024/25
Hi all, I made a post a couple days ago about my guinea pigs increased amount of peeing - Too much pee? - as I was concerned at this sudden influx of water intake/output.
Since that post this has significantly decreased, at least in the speed their water bottle was going down.
Well today when I was cleaning up their run I noticed this brown-ish red coloured pee patch. I put a piece of kitchen roll to it and it kept its brown-ish red state on the roll.
I am aware of oxidization, but it was not dry and I have never really seen any of their pees oxidize, especially not to that shade of red/brown. I am aware of porphyrin as a harmless pigment, but this is as far as my knowledge extends. I have also seen that if it was blood it would be likely prominent in smallish, different circles of deep red (?)
I am not aware of any discomforting when peeing, but my boys are outside and I do not often catch them peeing unless they are out for a cuddle. My young boy did pee on me this morning and showed no signs of discomfort, as for the colour I could not tell as he was on a highly coloured towel.
I think I am going to take them both out tomorrow on a white towel and wait until they both pee to see if this is an ongoing issue. If it was porphyrin, can a one time occurrence be normal or is it always a sign of something else.
This is likely my anxiety speaking, but my older boy went for the wet cucumber before anything this evening, which is not like him. They both seem fine in themselves, weighing in well.
Of course this is concerning due to my worries with their peeing/water intake a couple days ago and now this.
The pictures are not the best, you can not really see much but it is more noticeable in the first picture. Often around half of their pees are that dark brown colour, which I assumed was oxidization, but the red-ness of these pees is very obvious.
Edit - No change in diet nor any notable food eaten which could slightly change the pigment of the pee.
Since that post this has significantly decreased, at least in the speed their water bottle was going down.
Well today when I was cleaning up their run I noticed this brown-ish red coloured pee patch. I put a piece of kitchen roll to it and it kept its brown-ish red state on the roll.
I am aware of oxidization, but it was not dry and I have never really seen any of their pees oxidize, especially not to that shade of red/brown. I am aware of porphyrin as a harmless pigment, but this is as far as my knowledge extends. I have also seen that if it was blood it would be likely prominent in smallish, different circles of deep red (?)
I am not aware of any discomforting when peeing, but my boys are outside and I do not often catch them peeing unless they are out for a cuddle. My young boy did pee on me this morning and showed no signs of discomfort, as for the colour I could not tell as he was on a highly coloured towel.
I think I am going to take them both out tomorrow on a white towel and wait until they both pee to see if this is an ongoing issue. If it was porphyrin, can a one time occurrence be normal or is it always a sign of something else.
This is likely my anxiety speaking, but my older boy went for the wet cucumber before anything this evening, which is not like him. They both seem fine in themselves, weighing in well.
Of course this is concerning due to my worries with their peeing/water intake a couple days ago and now this.
The pictures are not the best, you can not really see much but it is more noticeable in the first picture. Often around half of their pees are that dark brown colour, which I assumed was oxidization, but the red-ness of these pees is very obvious.
Edit - No change in diet nor any notable food eaten which could slightly change the pigment of the pee.