Pedro's Checkered Face!

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Thank you very much. It's a shame this month's photo comp isn't 'checkered faces'! A bit niche (!) but we could have a shot! :nod: Mine don't do chooken legs.
Thank you very much. It's a shame this month's photo comp isn't 'checkered faces'! A bit niche (!) but we could have a shot! :nod: Mine don't do chooken legs.
I love the leg thing piggies do, my alex does it and my fudge :)

That is a super cute piggy you have there Jen, I love pedros face its really unusual :)
I love the leg thing piggies do, my alex does it and my fudge :)

That is a super cute piggy you have there Jen, I love pedros face its really unusual :)
Thank you! She's my daughter's but I always sneak a cuddle with her. My pig, Flo, prefers my hubby. She's a complete flirt with him.

I love the chooken legs too! Lucky you having relaxed pigs. Think ours are still too nervy, though they're getting better x
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