Pear O'clock

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 23, 2015
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My girls have never been overly enamoured by fruit offerings, particularly Rey who finds tomatoes positively terrifying. But OH was putting felt feet on my fruit bowl, so that it can safely be placed on the wooden table he's spent the last several months preparing, and whilst he was doing this he put a pear in the pigs' area and they dived on it! BB tried to carry it off but it weighed roughly the same as she does ! (A slight exaggeration but it did look very funny - she had to sort of throw-and-swing it round her body and then catch up her self and do it again)
IMG_0838.webp IMG_0842.webp
Aw, what a cute picture of the three of them tucking in! Lily would love to join it with that!
Aww Rey is terrified of tomatoes? That's adorable :love: My pigs only like ONE type of pear but I never remember what one that is :doh:

Piggies carrying a whole pear is something I'd love to see :)) Your babies are beautiful!
Thanks! Yes, Rey runs away from tomatoes!
I also only like one type of pear; these are Conference pears :-) Should try putting a whole one with your pigs and you might see them try to carry it off!

(I took it off them after a bit and the rest of it is sitting in my fridge for another day!)
Those are the type of pears that I like. I find pears go all squishy and yukky in the fridge ... hope yours survives! Not tried my two on pear or tomatoes. YET.
Oh, I hope it doesn't go squishy! But they might still eat it, I certainly won't!
Lovely photo. I can imagine the excitement as they realised there was a whole pear to devour. I bet they had sticky whiskers afterwards.
What adorable photos and video!
Amazing how determined a piggy can be when there is food involved :nod:
Omg haha that's hilarious :))

I'll definitely try those, they might be the pears they liked actually. I'm terrible at remembering fruit names XD

If Rey ever comes across a tomatoe please share :))
They are gorgeous! They obviously enjoyed their fruity treat so much!
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