Peaches, Changing Behaviour...

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Since having the pigs moved into the shed, Peaches has become a different guinea pig. Before she was bossy, and very much a diva. Now shes become more reserved.

The only thing I know about her background before I adopted her, was that she belonged to a hoarder. She was kept in a small space with over crowding of guinea pigs so I am presuming the open space in the shed has freaked her out a little. She spends no time downstairs.

She constantly stays in the upstairs section of the hutch only coming down when I daily sweep. Even then she will wait at the bottom of the ramp until I'm finished then run back up.

New girl Martha seems to have her on edge too, for no reason at all. Martha barely takes any notice of Peaches yet she becomes very skittish and runs from her when shes near by. I think this is mainly caused by her being on edge from the open space to begin with. I don't mind Peaches staying in the upstairs of the hutch, she has a bottle, bowl and hay rack up there, but I worry she won't exercise as much, will get bored, or sit in her own wee (she is a rather lazy pig anyway). I took her to the vets with Mabel a few days ago for nail trim and a check over and there was nothing wrong.

Peaches still greets me in the mornings, wheeks for her veggies as normal. Shes eating and drinking fine.

I had the idea of taking out the hutch and diving the shed with grids, so Peaches could have her own space but bigger, or split the 6 pigs into two smaller groups. Although I'm not sure thats required?

Sorry for the long post, I would just really appreciate some feedback on this. Thanks. :)
Aw, poor thing. Glad to hear that her diet isn't affected though. I'm not an expert, but I think giving her a bigger space would be good. Also, maybe you could try to help her associate bigger spaces with treats and comfort?
Aw, poor thing. Glad to hear that her diet isn't affected though. I'm not an expert, but I think giving her a bigger space would be good. Also, maybe you could try to help her associate bigger spaces with treats and comfort?

I tried with veggies downstairs but she wasnt comfortable enough to eat them. :( I even tried pellets, she loves pellets. She would start to eat them then get spooked by the littlest thing. Shes ok being upstairs, but I just dont know if theres a better option for her.

Mum thinks I'm over reacting but I want her to be as happy as possible.
There are obviously some bad memories and traumas there; it is likely from her reaction that the place she was rescued from was mice and rat infested.

Can you create more "safe" spaces for her? it will take time to work gently past those bad memories.
There are obviously some bad memories and traumas there; it is likely from her reaction that the place she was rescued from was mice and rat infested.

Can you create more "safe" spaces for her? it will take time to work gently past those bad memories.

Thats what I thought. I have created many hiding places downstairs, although she never goes down there to find them. The only time she will go downstairs into the more open space is if prompted by me.
When you feed her can you hide it in the tunnels and hidey places down stairs so she has to go and find it rather than take it from you? It might promote her foraging and exploring natural instinct and gradually let her settle in these places over time as she associates them with food.
When you feed her can you hide it in the tunnels and hidey places down stairs so she has to go and find it rather than take it from you? It might promote her foraging and exploring natural instinct and gradually let her settle in these places over time as she associates them with food.

I have tried :( she just won't even explore downstairs. I tried this for the first few days of being in the shed but in the end started feeding her upstairs because she was going without :(
Hmm I don't know what to suggest but I hope you manage to figure out what's going on with her.

Does she bother with your other girls?
Hmm I don't know what to suggest but I hope you manage to figure out what's going on with her.

Does she bother with your other girls?

She's never been the one to go and approach any other pig. She is happy with Hattie and Amber coming upstairs and sharing the space but won't share hideys or anything.
I guess I can leave things as they are. I just feel a little bad for her :(
That's the thing with adopted pets, sometimes we just don't know what they've been through and how they are affected, we just have to give them all the love and attention they needs and make sure they are warm, fed and watered :) Jericho STILL bites and we handle him, but it's ok we don't mind as we don't know how he was treated before us adopting him, all we know is that he wasn't really bothered with and he was on his own, no cage mate. Your doing a great job :)
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