I’m afraid the image is not clear enough to be able to come to any conclusion.
Pea eye is simply where the bottom lid droops away from the eye. It doesn’t usually need any treatment. However, we cannot tell you whether you are in fact dealing with pea eye - largely because it’s not possible to see anything due to the picture quality, but also because we are not vets.
We will never suggest or advocate any home treatment for any medical condition due to the risk any home treatment poses to your piggy.
Try to post a clearer picture but do note if there is any concerning areas such as, watering, discharge, cloudiness to the eye ball, then you must see a vet as those suggest there has been an injury. Eye injuries are considered emergencies and need to be seen by a vet within 24 hours of the injury occurring - UK vets will always try to prioritise eye concerns due to how quickly things can deteriorate.
I have amended your profile to remove your postcode. I have done this as your postcode gives away information about exactly what street you live on and could compromise your safety.