Patchy & Coco Got A Xmas Present...

Awe :wub: Grandpa is thinking of them for sure! :luv:
My piggies don't get pressies from anyone except from me! My OH complains when I put their snugglesafes in the microwave!
My piggies don't get pressies from anyone except from me! My OH complains when I put their snugglesafes in the microwave!
My friend Sandie got presents for my piggies, Flossie Bun and the dogs!
My hubby hated me heating up the snugglesafes too so I now have a lovely pink microwave in the Piggy Palace! X
That's what you have pets for, to spoil. I now have the piggies cash in my purse which means the likelihood of it being spent on them is diminishing by every second hehe. No I will be good I promise :inn:
Grandpa will ask you what you got for them so you'll have to tell him. How much does $20 get anyway? £20 would get my lot around 5 boxes of forage food.
Grandpa will ask you what you got for them so you'll have to tell him. How much does $20 get anyway? £20 would get my lot around 5 boxes of forage food.
It will feed them for 2 maybe 3 weeks. A lot of their veg is veg I use in my salads so isn't exclusively for them, I only really buy them coriander and lettuce/salad mix (minus iceberg) because I can't stand coriander and I only eat iceberg. I'm growing a garden for them with various herbs and lettuce/mesclan mix which strangely looks to be going well and I am thinking of expanding and growing other veg. Fingers crossed I can keep all my little plant babies alive cos I suck really bad at gardening.
It will feed them for 2 maybe 3 weeks. A lot of their veg is veg I use in my salads so isn't exclusively for them, I only really buy them coriander and lettuce/salad mix (minus iceberg) because I can't stand coriander and I only eat iceberg. I'm growing a garden for them with various herbs and lettuce/mesclan mix which strangely looks to be going well and I am thinking of expanding and growing other veg. Fingers crossed I can keep all my little plant babies alive cos I suck really bad at gardening.
Same here. I forget to do do the watering! If you don't forget that I'm sure your plant babies will be fine!