Passing of a pig


New Born Pup
Aug 13, 2022
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Hello, this won't be a situation I have to worry about for a long time, but I'm still curious about it. For a little bit of back story, I am a new piggie owner - 5 months ago I rescued a 2 year old boar from an incredibly neglectful situation, and, once he (hopefully) passes all health checks next week he will be getting neutered, and once recovered introduced to some baby sows (from a rescue!). It is extremely likely that he will pass away before the two sows, however, when one of the sows pass away and there is one left, what do I do? As of right now I feel like these three piggies will be the only three I want - mainly because I am incredibly sentimental and getting new pigs after they pass away will be very painful for me. But, what about the remaining sow? Even if she might pass away somewhat soon after the other (in the situation of old age) would it be wise to let her live the rest of her days solo? Or would it be for the best to get a friend? Another issue would be I'm scared of falling into a cycle where I have to keep getting pigs once one passes away. I know this might be really selfish for me to say, because I 100% want to do everything I can for my pets, but it would be really hard on me to have a pig pass away, only to get a new one that I know I'll get attached to and it will pass away and have that repeating.
When you are left with a single piggy and don’t want to continue the piggy cycle, then some rescues are starting to allow a person to foster s friend for their remaining piggy. This allows the piggy to have companipnship through to the end of their life. You then hand the foster back and thus ending your piggy cycle.
Some people choose to leave a piggy single after a companion passes but you need to consider the situation at the time - ie if piggy is elderly and not likely to have much longer themselves, but if piggy is younger then being alone for years isn’t really in the interests of that piggy.
When you are left with a single piggy and don’t want to continue the piggy cycle, then some rescues are starting to allow a person to foster s friend for their remaining piggy. This allows the piggy to have companipnship through to the end of their life. You then hand the foster back and thus ending your piggy cycle.
Some people choose to leave a piggy single after a companion passes but you need to consider the situation at the time - ie if piggy is elderly and not likely to have much longer themselves, but if piggy is younger then being alone for years isn’t really in the interests of that piggy.
That's wonderful to know! Thank you so much!