Paper Table Cloths

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
Bristol uk
I've been experimenting with various floor covering for my guinea pig cage and think I've come up with a really good solution at last. First I tried hay as this was what my guineas were used to but I found it hard to spot clean and wasn't happy they could be eating soiled hay. Then I went onto towels under fleeces, this seemed to be very good for the guinea pigs, liquids leached away and the lovely soft fleece seemed to be very kind to their feet BUT it meant mounds of washing and it's very hard to stop the bits of hay and poo sticking to the fleece and it takes a lot of brushing off before being laundered. I tried megasorb but again found a problem with spot cleaning and they tended to kick it against the sides of the cage until it formed "drifts" and spilled out everywhere. Now I am using several layers of newspaper then a towel for added softness more layers of newspaper and topping with a paper tablecloth. These table cloths are £1 for 8 at ASDA and I find they are absorbent enough to allow liquid to leach through but strong enough to just pick up the whole thing each day and replace it with a fresh one. I just need to replace any newspaper that is wet too. Daily cleaning routine now down to about 5 minutes and very cost effective too! They have megasorb in their bed for extra absorbency and comfort and I just empty that daily too. I thought others might like to try this:)
That's a brilliant idea and not one I would have thought of at all! I'm definitely going to try that - thank you!
My only worry would be an added risk of sores to their feet if it's a paper table cloth? i can't imagine it being that dry after a wee wee? But i've never tried it, It may work for you though, and if it does thats great, it's great to find a bedding that works for you :)
Twiams the first paper table I tried this with was form the local pond shop and I agree it didn't allow the liquids to leach through quickly enough but this one allows all but a small damp area to leach thourghh within four to five minutes. I am keeping a close watch on those tootsies just in case too.
Hi Briony doing it slightly differently again now this is what I am doing at present, about 8 layers of newspaper, Then a large towel, and then the paper tablecloth. The tablecloths I am using are in the outdoor section at ASDA and are ASDA own 8 for £1. They come in a continuous concertina sheet with perforations. I use two and over lap or fold as necessary to meet the shape of the cage. I have found putting the towel immediately beneath the tablecloth improves the leaching effect a bit, but it is very good anyway. The only problems I can foresee is these are obviously a summer line so I will have to calculate the winter requirement and do some stockpiling. Feet et still absolutely fine oh and I do have to be very careful with one of my girls as she has those growths (can't remember the name of them) and the rescue told me to be very vigilant about them getting sore or rubbing on the floor material but she is doing great!
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