Panicked Piggies, One Week After Bath

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 3, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys. Treated Harry and Lloyd to a bath last week, their first since we got them six months ago.

Harry seemed okay with the whole thing, Lloyd - as is his nature - was a little more freaked out and skittish.

We did the bathing on the kitchen floor, in a washing up bowl, next to their floortime cage, as I was fearful they might try and jump out of the sink. Good thinking as Lloyd leaped out if the bowl twice!

All through the week, they've been fine, particularly when I pick them up, out of their day-to-day cage.

Today, though, they were back in the kitchen as I was cleaning out their C&C cage upstairs. I went to get Harry out of the floor time cage for his weekly weigh-in and he started wheeking and squeaking for his life. Even the offer of some calming dill didn't quieten him down.

Then, when I got Lloyd out, the exact same thing happened. Although, he ate some of the dill because it is his absolute favourite.

So, what I want to know is, and I'm deadly serious, do you think they might have a touch of post-traumatic stress after last week's bathing ordeal and that's why they were so freaked out today?
Hi, Don't worry, they'll soon settle. It may be bath related but if you had them out since the bath I would doubt it..

We only bath if needed for medical reasons as it really stresses our girls out. Vimto absolutely freaked for a day after her first bath when she had fungal.

How are they now?
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