Pampered Piggies cage liner


Senior Guinea Pig
Apr 20, 2018
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Does anyone have a fleece cage liner from Pampered Piggies boutique, do you know if it needs an absorbant under layer? I just bought one and I thought it was just a fleece liner like my other one thats just 2 flat layers of fleece sewn together... but this is all soft and fluffy like a duvet, there's a middle layer of something cushiony, it hardly fit in the washer... its very luxurious and beautiful but can anyone else tell me if the poofy floofy middle layer is absorbant enough on its own?
Yes - they do have an absorbent layer.
Before I reverted to wood shavings I tried these which were lovely but I found the laundry too much as they do only fir one a time in a standard washing machine.
Thanks! We are starting the 3rd wash on the new fleece and it has deflated enough that the washing machine doesnt sound constipated anymore :) I'm going to try it this weekend without washable pee mats underneath and see how we go!
I have 2 fleece liners from there and they are fab. I put puppy pads under the fleece in the areas where they pee the most but we probably don't need to. We wash once a week and don't notice a smell at all.