Pairs? Or a herd?

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Jul 4, 2011
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Some of you may have seen the exciting news that my addiction has grown!

I currently have a pair of boars living together, getting on very well, so that is the way that shall remain unless anything changes. (They live in a seperate part of the house to the girls so as not to upset them)

However, I currently have 2 new pairs of girls and am picking up a further pair tomorrow.

Obviously the new girls will be in quarantine etc, however my question is this...
At the moment Hermione and Ginny (sisters) are living in a cage next to Rogue and Raven (sisters).

The way I see it is that if all the sows lived together as a herd they could have all of the space for all of them - so should I attempt to introduce them? If so should I do it 2 pairs at a time, or wait for the new arrivals to come out of quarantine and then put all of them together? I'm actually terrified, but having read some threads on here I get the feeling that I could put the 2 pairs together, they could sort everything out and be happy, then if I put the other 2 in then it could all change anyway?

Would love some advice from anyone with experience - I've had pairs of guinea pigs for years, but never been brave enough to go down the herd route!

Thanks in advance :)

If I were you, I would wait and have one big introduction on neutral ground. Make sure that you have got a whole day to keep an eye on things.

Immediately after the initial acceptance phase, girls go into the hierarchy sort out. It would much less stressful if they had to do that only once. the dominance phase can last quite some time; on average about 2 weeks until all girls have found their place on the ladder, depending on how dominant your girls are. You will notice that you will get a race for top spot between the dominant sows first. The underpiggies are usually not so bothered. There may be some minor suqabbling when it comes to adjacent ladder rungs.

Best of luck! Make sure that you have plenty of space and don't use any hideys that have only one entrance.
Thank you! This confirms what I was thinking. I'm terrified, but kind of excited too. It will be so great for them if they can get on as a herd - they will get the whole room for all of them instead of having to be sectioned off :)

Will keep you posted
Ooh, forgot to ask. Is it a good idea to have their current cages all next to each other before hand? So they can get to see / sniff / talk to each other before the actual introduction?
It would be a good idea to have them all next to each other after the quarantaine for at least a couple of days. That way, they can suss each other out and the intro is that little bit easier. You will also be altered if there are potential) problems in the making (teeth chattering through the bars).
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