Pairing Two Previously Solitary Boars?

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 24, 2016
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My best friend currently has a gorgeous little guinea pig who is housed alone. She's going to be giving his cage a huge extension and is wondering whether it'd be a good idea to separate the extension in half with mesh, then add another guinea pig, and let them live beside each other before meeting in full contact. She just thinks it would be a lot less stressful than letting them meet in contact first and then putting them in a completely new area. Does this sound alright?
:D I think that should work all right. That is basically what I did when I wanted to introduce Crow Feather to Suzie. I built a small C and C cage onto the end of Suzie's cage and put Feather in it. They could talk to each other through the bars. When I thought that they were getting on okay, after a couple of weeks, I just put Feather in with Suzie.
My best friend currently has a gorgeous little guinea pig who is housed alone. She's going to be giving his cage a huge extension and is wondering whether it'd be a good idea to separate the extension in half with mesh, then add another guinea pig, and let them live beside each other before meeting in full contact. She just thinks it would be a lot less stressful than letting them meet in contact first and then putting them in a completely new area. Does this sound alright?

It sounds reasonable. If they don't go together, they can at least become next door neighbours for the long term. With bonding guinea pigs at home, it is always advisable to have a plan B.

Here are our bonding guides. it is well worth taking the time and reading through them.
Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
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