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Painting and pigs.


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 23, 2023
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Hey everyone,

Not sure if this thread is in the right place sorry if it’s not!

Today I am having to touch up my bedroom walls where the damp from all the rain we have had here has caused some black patches (this is an ongoing issue with my flat 20 years or more) it’s only a small job and will take about half hour.

My pig is in my bedroom where I will be painting today and I am aware I’ll have to move him out into a different room while painting but now long until I can move him back in? The issue is, I have a cat so he won’t be able to go into the living room so he’ll have to be in the bathroom and that’s not ideal either really because of bathroom smells (cleaner etc).

I can’t not touch the wall up, I put it off as long as possible but it needs to be done asap. It’s a lovely day today so I can leave the big window open in the room I’m painting.

I think he can go back once the smell has almost completely gone and if there is a window wide open for ventilation. If the room is going to be kept sealed (no windows open) or does not have good ventilation even with windows open then you would need to keep him out until the smell has completely gone as having no ventilation could make it dangerous.
If you are leaving the window open and moving him back then just make sure he has a nice warm bed to snuggle in if he gets chilly.

If he is in your bathroom then be careful with what goes on while he is in there. There should be no sprays (perfume or deodorants) used in the room with him and if someone is showering/bathing then make sure a window is open to reduce the steam. Maybe you could clean thoroughly before he goes in and then not use any cleaners in there while he’s in there.

I understand how difficult it can be to find a solution when you have other animals free range in your house, the whole roof needs replacing over my room and my guinea pig room, and there are cats and a dog free range in the rest of the house!
Thanks sweetie!

Yeah it’s really awkward! I was thinking of putting one of his kavee fleece liners in the bath and putting him in there with a hide, some hay and water. I was hoping he would only be in there for an hour or so tbh. 😭
Hey everyone,

Not sure if this thread is in the right place sorry if it’s not!

Today I am having to touch up my bedroom walls where the damp from all the rain we have had here has caused some black patches (this is an ongoing issue with my flat 20 years or more) it’s only a small job and will take about half hour.

My pig is in my bedroom where I will be painting today and I am aware I’ll have to move him out into a different room while painting but now long until I can move him back in? The issue is, I have a cat so he won’t be able to go into the living room so he’ll have to be in the bathroom and that’s not ideal either really because of bathroom smells (cleaner etc).

I can’t not touch the wall up, I put it off as long as possible but it needs to be done asap. It’s a lovely day today so I can leave the big window open in the room I’m painting.



Please always paint with open windows and leave the room to air as much as possible for several hours after. Ideally the paint should have dried and the worst of the paint smell has gone. Water soluble matt paint is not too much of an issue; glossy oil based paint however is.

If the black stains are damp/fungal and not just dirt in bad air circulation you need to treat for that first before you can overpaint.
Thanks for all the replies.

It’s all done now and he’s spending the day in my living room, my mum has take my cat for the day.

I can’t treat the black, love. It’s a flat and I rent it so it’s not my own place. It’s my landlords job and in all fairness he has tried loads of the things over the years but it’s a Victorian house converted into the three flats and slight damp has always been an issue when it rains heavy.