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Pained Squeaking Going to the Bathroom


New Born Pup
Dec 3, 2024
Reaction score
Hi everyone. I thought I’d make a post here because I have been trying to figure this issue out for months and I’m not really sure what to do anymore :( I just want poor Basil to not be in pain.

Basically, she is making a pained squeaking noise when she poops. She constantly lifts her butt up and doesn’t seem to relax or lay down as often as she used to. And she’s had had this problem for many months and previous vet visits have shown nothing. Over that time, it’s gotten better and worse and then better again. Xray a few months ago showed nothing but a small benign ovarian mass that they said wasn’t changing. She was suspected of having a UTI before and she’s been on meds for it but nothing has made it fully go away. I did notice recently it looks like her behind is unusually red but I’m not sure if that’s related.
Welcome to the forum

I’m sorry to hear of her issues

Once all other issues - urinary infections, stones and sludge - are ruled out, there is a condition called interstitial sterile cystitis which can be considered. It presents as a recurrent UTI but it is not bacterial so antibiotics will not cure it - they may temporarily suppress but won’t cure because there is no bacteria to kill off.

It is a condition only diagnosed by ruling everything else out first though.

There is no cure but it can be managed. Management is with daily glucosamine and painkillers for life.
These are given at whatever maintenance dose works for the particular pig to help with day to day symptoms.
During a flare up, the dose of glucosamine and painkillers can be increased to deal with the flare and then reduced back down to maintenance dose.
The glucosamine helps coat the bladder and restore the glucosamine layer which protects the bladder against the corrosive urine.

It’s worth discussing with your vet, but not all vets know about it. It is becoming more common than bacterial infections.

The guide below explains more

Welcome to the forum

I’m sorry to hear of her issues

Once all other issues - urinary infections, stones and sludge - are ruled out, there is a condition called interstitial sterile cystitis which can be considered. It presents as a recurrent UTI but it is not bacterial so antibiotics will not cure it - they may temporarily suppress but won’t cure because there is no bacteria to kill off.

It is a condition only diagnosed by ruling everything else out first though.

There is no cure but it can be managed. Management is with daily glucosamine and painkillers for life.
These are given at whatever maintenance dose works for the particular pig to help with day to day symptoms.
During a flare up, the dose of glucosamine and painkillers can be increased to deal with the flare and then reduced back down to maintenance dose.
The glucosamine helps coat the bladder and restore the glucosamine layer which protects the bladder against the corrosive urine.

It’s worth discussing with your vet, but not all vets know about it. It is becoming more common than bacterial infections.

The guide below explains more

Thanks so much for your quick reply. This definitely sounds like it lines up with Basil’s experience, but I obviously don’t want to jump to conclusions. I’ll see if I can talk about it with the vet. Nevertheless, I hadn’t heard about interstitial cystitis before, so I really appreciate you giving me another lead!
Let us know how you get on

Glucosamine is a supplement not a medication so it is something you are able to try anyway. There is no harm in doing so. Cystease is the commonly used one.
It’s obviously only a painkiller which requires a prescription