New Born Pup
Hello, recently my guinea pig has been straining when pooping, whenever he does strain he tries to push his poop and pushes the put then strain, sometimes he also stays in one position, and he will drop about 5-6 Poops, and make straining noise, and to be clear I have watched him pee multiple times closely and he does not strain at all, and I also use a clear paper. napkin to make sure there is no blood, it is clear with just some calcium, I have watched him pee like 8 times and no straining only when pooping, and it's all over the place yesterday he did not strain at all, and the day before that he didn't as well 3 days ago he strained around 3 times the whole day morning to night until the next day, today he strained 3 times all morning and afternoon is fine so from 8:00AM until 5;00PM He was great, I got home around 9:30Pm I hear him strain, and about 1 month and half ago he went to the Vet because he had URI Symptoms he was giving Bactrim course for 14 days, after he went off he was still a little ill so we did another 14 days then he is completely fine and better before the last Dose (Which was 3 days ago) can Bactrim cause pain when pooping? if in it a long term? I've heard tons of thing about Bactrim that can make guinea pigs tummy upset? Anyone have any experience with that, lastly Yesterday went to a follow up for to see how he is doing for a URI symptoms I told the vet about straining when pooping, I asked her that can Bactrim cause guinea pigs to strain, and she said it can be a side effect, so he's been off it since 3 days, has anybody have anything related to this? Or what is causing this? Should I make an appointment again for a check up? he is almost 6 years old I don't know if older age has to do with it he acts completely fine he eats good drinks good acts normal sleeps good is active good always begging for food and really energetic , Any help or recommendations is greatly appreciated it! Thank you I am very worried