Forum Donator 2023/24
Princess is currently on 1.2ml cat metacam twice daily for her arthritis/ tumour, she seems very well with her arthritis but I'm concerned her tumour pain isn't as well managed as it could be... I'm going to try and speak with the vets Friday while there for nuggets spay about getting her switched back to dog metacam, I know they've previously said liscencing/ red tape but I feel we've tried cat metacam for long enough now and they are generally reasonable. I'm also going to ask for a prescription since we can get a big 100ml bottle of dog metacam online for half what it costs for a 15ml bottle of cat metacam from the vets, feel mean considering they've been so great but that's a huge saving that could go towards other vet bills!
I'm also going to ask for tramadol, but I'm going to try and get this from the vets directly as we don't need a huge bottle initially, can anyone suggest the doses we should be looking at? She was previously on 0.4ml dog metacam x2 when we adopted her is this the maximum safe dose?
Also any experience with tramadol and piggies much appreciated, we've used it previously for a cat and it worked well but not for a piggy! P seems well today but had an off morning yesterday, she nearly had me phoning for an urgent appointment when she miraculously perked up, I swear they know when you mention the word vets
I'm also going to ask for tramadol, but I'm going to try and get this from the vets directly as we don't need a huge bottle initially, can anyone suggest the doses we should be looking at? She was previously on 0.4ml dog metacam x2 when we adopted her is this the maximum safe dose?
Also any experience with tramadol and piggies much appreciated, we've used it previously for a cat and it worked well but not for a piggy! P seems well today but had an off morning yesterday, she nearly had me phoning for an urgent appointment when she miraculously perked up, I swear they know when you mention the word vets