Paddy & Rohan - Day 4

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Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK
Day 4 of our adventures.

I fully cleaned the boys cage today, so they are smelling lovely now, for how long we shall see. :lol:
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The boys are definitely getting more comfortable with me. I sit with them when they are eating and they take food off me. They still won't let me stroke them in the cage, but they are getting better at not running off when I put my hand in the cage to do things, such as titivating their lovely leaf cushion. XD

After their morning veggies I attempted to cuddle them both. Paddy (the black & white boar) was super easy, I just waited until he was in the strawberry then scooped it up and held him. I wrapped him in a towel which definitely helped to keep him calm. When he started to get restless I popped him back in. Rohan on the other hand likes to run off. So I had to abandon an attempt to catch him, and wait until he went into the strawberry bed. I scooped him up, but he was wheeking wildly and head butting. Once I had hold of him though and wrapped him in the towel he calmed down and we had a nice cuddle for about 30 seconds, then I put him back in.

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For their evening veggies I decided I would give the boys their first floor time, and use the veggies to tempt them out of hiding. I set up the kitchen making sure that there were no places that they could get trapped behind etc. I placed a towel on the floor and several tunnels and beds, and I placed their bowl of veggies in the centre. Then I scooped Rohan up in the strawberry bed and placed it on the towel, he came out and started nervously sniffing around. Then I went back for Paddy who I was able to catch by hand for the first time ever. :woot:

Both boys were so good when they were out, they were really scared at first but then calmed down. They had a bit of a power battle over the strawberry bed but then soon forgot about that when I tempted them out with veggies. They both took a veggie off me and eat it whilst they were on the floor, I was so happy. Then I had a lovely cuddle with both of them. Rohan was nervous as usual, but let me stroke him for about 1 minute, as soon as he appeared stressed I put him back in. Paddy on the other hand barely flinched. I'm so proud of them both. :yahoo:

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Some videos and photos from today:

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This is amazing progress! They are really getting used to you. You must be thrilled.
It is, I'm just trying to take things slow and not put them in stressful situations, which is difficult being a new owner as I don't know all the inns and outs just yet. I've been giving them a piece of veg after our cuddles so that they have a positive experience and trying to judge when they are ready to go back in. :)
You are doing so well, love the videos! Thanks so much for sharing the journey with us
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