Oxbow Eco Staw

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''is twice as absorbent as newspaper-based litter and will absorb 300 percent its weight in moisture. This litter is your ideal choice for a safe, dust-free litter or bedding for your small animal.''

Sounds quite good O0 O0 Haven't tried it though...
I know it looks quite good, doesn't it. I am just wondering if the pellets might be a bit uncomfortable for their feet?
Someone recently posted about this on another forum I visit and Sally (the owner of pampered piggies) said this to them:

"Eco bed is safe if they eat it but personally i think its better used as litter for trays for bunnies, not very comfy to walk on all day long.
It is good stuff but 1 bag will last 2pigs in a standard hutch probably 2 weeks and at £14 a bag i would aim towards megazorb.

also the idea behind eco straw is that when its wet it goes into a sort of dry mush supposedly easier to scoop out but megazorb actually absorbs the moisture and drags it down.

Megazorb is far better than woodshavings and the softest for their little paws! (in my opinion!)"
Ooo thanks Jane.
How big are the bags of Megazorb exactly? I live in a small flat you see so storage is an issue. I'm having trouble picturing what 85 litres look like...
i can send you a pic of a megazorb sack in my room, so u can see how much space it takes. I'm limited on space, but i just stick it in a corner lol
too late to modify my post :(

heres a pic that might give you an idea of the size of megazorb. its the big sack in the pic

Thanks Lez, that helps
Sally is going to send me an empty sack so that I can see where to fit it :)
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