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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
Tyne and Wear
Owww i've just prepared the piggies veg and while cutting the greens i cut down the top of my thumb and cut away some of the skin. I ended up preparing the rest with one hand, lol. The clingfilm covering there melo is coverd with blood and abit broccali to xx0
It's very easy to do, I was once grating cheese and cut all my knuckles on the cheese grater ;D now that is wallyish 98)
OUCHY! I know how you feel, I twanged this bit of metal on a pole and chopped half the skin off on the top of my finger:|
Ouch both sound painful, tis stinging so much but i am a wimp when it comes to pain :P
cashmincal said:


haha:p I'm ok when it comes to pain, ive had 18piercings :p (got 14 though took 4 out)
I have quite a high pain threshold actually :) but I haven't hurt myself seriously for a while last time was when I was thirteen I tripped over a curb, chipped all my tooth, smashed my chin in, cut all my hand in and cut open my knee and got a peice of glass stuck in it. Well i must admit that was painful. :embarassed:
Yeah my pain tolerance is high too, one thing I can't stand with pain though is banging my funny bone! YWOCH!
Ouch that must have seriousley hurt :o When i was younger about 8 or 9 i remeber me and my friend being complete idiots chasing after an ice cream van. Every one ued to, it had a ledge on the back we used to try jumping on ::) Well this day we did it i ran infront my friend was on her bike and i can't remember how but we colided into each other, she fell of the bike and i was runover by it. We were both cut and bruised we lived next door to each other and our parens were good friends. the worst was yet to come as we were both sat on the bench while my ma continued to wash every cut and scrape with antiseptic stuff, owwww that hurt :o :o

I fell of my bike once and cut the middle of my hand, with a big piece of glass stuck in, about same age and passed out from that one still ahve the scar on my hand. A few moth later trying to be smart rode down a hill and rode straight into a wall, painfull but funny ;D

Then there was a time a fell down a ditch in the grass on my bike and got a small stone stuck in my chin, my mam had to use tweezers to getit out. You know i swaer that bike was jinxed :o ;D
Well I can remember when I was young, I was with mum and I walked into a trolly and cut my head open and THEN another time mum and dad and I was at a pub and i was playing the playground bit and I fell over a bike onto a bench and cut my head open again on the other side!
looks like I got two closed up eyes the way the scars on lmao!

I find pain funny when it's myself...I hate seeing other peoples blood, makes me feel ill, but don't mind me own ::)
I once fell off wa little wall and smashed my head open, and I have dozens of scars on my legs from me falling over and cutting my knee open.
my mum has cut the skin on the top of her thumb of before she said it was painful i have scraped the skin on top of my big toe off on the road

i cant stand pain ethier
I was cutting up some melon when the knife slipped and cut right into my finger, I'm not squimish at all but when i saw all this blood i felt faint and had to lay down on the floor ::). there was blood everywhere!
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