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overgrown molars

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I have a 4 year old male -Harry who had overgrown molars trimmed under anaesthetic late December. They have now overgrown again . He's still eating and is ok in himself but vet suggests only real option is euthanasia in a couple of weeks.
Any opinions would be gratefully received - I live too far from Cambridge for that to be an option though.
Hi, welcome to the forum, I'm not much help but there are alot of knowledgeable members here who may be able to help :)
Hiya and welcome. Hopefully someone with knowledge on teeth will be along soon. My pigs are all under 9 months so I've not faced this yet.

But if it was my pig and he was still eating I wouldn't put to sleep. Infact I wouldn't put to sleep at all, teeth problems can be sorted. With molars I've read it should be done every few weeks. I would think about getting another vet. How is his weight? Any weight loss?

Good luck!

Hi Sew and welcome to the forum.

There is no need for guinea pigs to be under anaesthetic when having work done on their teeth (apart from some really extreme cases). Unfortunately there are not many vets who will do it without but there are a few.
It sounds to me like you need to go and see a cavy savvy vet. Whereabout are you? I am sure someone on here can recommend a good vet in your area.
Hi Thanks for the advice live in Swindon Wiltshire so if anyone knows any vets that will trim molars without anaesthetic nearby would be grateful .Did ask mine but he didn't think it would be possible!
Hi there and welcome to the forum from us in OZ :)

There's no need for your piggie to be put to sleep because of over grown molars, they can be trimmed regularly O0 My boy has been having toofie trims now for well over a year and he's 6 years old :smitten: He has his done every 3 weeks now so that he can eat properly and he comes thru really well O0

Please let us know where you are and we should be able to advise you where you could get your piggies toofies trimmed O0
Stupid me i just saw where you live..... i know exactly where you are as my son worked at a pub there for over a year :smitten:
I'll have to look on the list for you
try great western exotics in swindon,they only treat exotics and that includes piggies!! they are very good,highly recommended
welcome to the forums from us in oz :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: i have never had teeth problems but would have thought if regularly trimmed there would be no need to end harry's life. i would try another vet, sending hugs and cuddles to you and harry :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
I agree with the others about not going under anesthetic. If they are pre-olars/molars they can be cut and filed down as my guinea had last week. Is it possible for you to get a second opinion from another vet? One way that sometimes helps, which my Ginger loves, is plain dog biscuits. She happily munches on them daily. Hope everything goes well whatever you decide to do x
Dog biscuits should not be given to gps. They keep their teeth filed with hay,dried grass and hard veg such as carrot.
Do not go to this vet again,to suggest pts for a dental problem is horrifying.

I know it is difficult to get a good gp vet but try and find one that is at least open minded enough to take advise from another vet.My vet is always willing to email others to give advise.
Hi Sew,

Can you travel.
I know of a vet in Reading who can do this without anaesthetics (they are very good) I don't think Swindon is too far from Reading - sorry my geography is terrible!

Other than that I know of another vet in Epsom - though I think that might be a bit far for you (it's Maryh's vet).

If neither of these are good for you. I would recommend contacting Vedra @ the CCT she should be able to point you in the right direction as she has trained many vets. Text her on 07721 026401.

Let us know how you get on.

PS: I definitely would not give my GPs dog biscuits either.... surely they have meat or animal products in them :-\
I was advised by a vet do give do biscuits to keep teeth down. She seems to enjoy them and they have not upset her stomach or anything. I was just trying to help another way by not putting her through anesthetic for back teeth have been cut 4 times.
Long hay is the best thing for their teeth. There may not be any affects now but long term they may have soemthing in them that will do lasting damage. As we know from this forum Vets don't know everything and some don't know much about piggies I certainly wouldnt give them anything other than lots of hay and big chunks of veg!
how is harry today? hoping he is feeling better and that you managed to find a piggy savvy vet. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: as for your normal vet :tickedoff: :tickedoff: we know how hard it is to find a decent vet NOT only for guinea pigs! our vet has cost us 5 guinea pigs, 1 dog and 1 cat. 0:) 0:) 0:) please keep us updated on harry. hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
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