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Dental overgrown molars


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 17, 2020
Reaction score
dudley dy1

This is the only place i can see that might help me here (not much of a introduction sorry)

i have two very healthy pig (both male brothers) they have been great, eating just fine, pooping fine, drinking fine but come janurary my speedy was showing signs of problems with his jaw (would add we check his front teeth on weekly basis) vet checked every 6 months and all is fine but this time we took him to 3 vets (black vets dudley that checked him but sent me to manor vets in birmingham which i could only get to the halesowen one at the time, they sent me to the birmingham one the next day) we had my pigs molar/far left & right done, came out of it (thank god) but we went for the after check 3 weeks later and the vet told us the far left one was slight growth in it again and would need this doing every 3 weeks but went to pets at home vets for a second check when i was coming back home, they said there was nothing wrong with and teeth but had to re-shape his front teeth as they was not trimmed right,

Now come today we went to get both checked at pets at home but due to this virus we had to go to west brom one so we got black vets to check them as they had a opening and it was a vet who knows her pigs stuff, found out my elvis is fine but my speedy far left molar is slight over again and needs doing, i've been quoted 150-200 from pets at home and 250-300 by black vets, i've rang around as i've read on here and other pig sites if its not bad that they don't need to be put under anaesthetic but non seem to take this and want to put him under anaesthetic, i'm ok with the bill but i really don't want to keep having a 50/50 on my lil pig coming through as its hard enough needing to explain to my kids its a 50/50 chance of pulling through.

Would anyone be able to help on this matter and to try and keep his molar under control as he eats his hard food just find including his hay/strew and loves ripping apart his house (the carrot top ones from pets at home)
Thanks you for the forward help.

I am sorry my post is on very bad terms on a real sentence as i've just re-read it and it's all over the place. (my literacy is not great)
Hi! The best dental and most experienced UK vet who does conscious dentals (and whose prices are correspondingly a lot lower) is Simon Maddock from the Cat&Rabbit Care Clinic in Northampton does about 25 guinea pig dentals from piggies from all over the country in a week - that is more than any other vet. Having a potentially life saving appointment with a specialist vet comes under necessary travel.
Simon will be back from a holiday next week but slots tend to fill up quickly.
Cat and Rabbit Care Clinic

There is unfortunately nothing you can do apart from a hay based diet to prevent teeth from overgrowing if your piggy is not chewing evenly for some reason.
Thank you for the reply @Wiebke

That is a bit far for me since i live in dudley and i'm not insured to drive on a motor way yet, would there be anywhere nearer to my location that would do it?
Thank you for the reply @Wiebke

That is a bit far for me since i live in dudley and i'm not insured to drive on a motor way yet, would there be anywhere nearer to my location that would do it?

@sport_billy - your neck of the woods? Unfortunately dental savvy vets are like gold dust in this country.

Here is our vet locator, which unfortunately doesn't say anything about their ability with teeth:
Vet Locator
@Wiebke I am trying to find someone who can take me there right now then i'll see if i can get a appointment.

@sport_billy That you that is like a 15 minute drive from me, i will give them a call once they are open and see what they can do.
@Wiebke I am trying to find someone who can take me there right now then i'll see if i can get a appointment.

@sport_billy That you that is like a 15 minute drive from me, i will give them a call once they are open and see what they can do.
Rosie is the vet there with pig knowledge explain situation and ask if she can get you in. Best of luck? Sending lots of love to your piggy x
Thank you, love needed as we love our pigs like their our children and want what is best for them at all times, i will be phoning as soon as and will explain to them what went on and hope i can get in and have this small problem sorted.
Thank you, love needed as we love our pigs like their our children and want what is best for them at all times, i will be phoning as soon as and will explain to them what went on and hope i can get in and have this small problem sorted.
Hoping you can get an appointment and get your little piggie sorted x
Sorry for double post.

My piggy had his teeth done and i was very happy with the service even in these times. My piggy is eating (only small bits at a time but is eating and drinking) but we noticed his jaw seemed off and we checked him out, we have found out his bottom front teeth has the right one chipped and the left one is loose, i'm just wondering could this have happened when he got back from the vets or could this have happened at the vets. I am going to phone up to see if anything happened and i was not told as his teeth (with the problem) do seem shorter than they was before having his molar done.
Sorry for double post.

I'm piggy had his teeth done and i was very happy with the service even in these times. My piggy is eating (only small bits at a time but is eating and drinking) but we noticed his jaw seemed off and we checked him out, we have found out his bottom front teeth has the right one chipped and the left one is loose, i'm just wondering could this have happened when he got back from the vets or could this have happened at the vets. I am going to phone up to see if anything happened and i was not told as his teeth (with the problem) do seem shorter than they was before having his molar done.

How long since you have been home again? Please contact the vets again if his jaw is off.
I would try and get to see Simon Maddock at the Cat and Rabbit Clinic if you can get there, he is a fabulous dental piggie vet. People travel from all ends of the country to see him, including myself x Good luck, I know how worrying these situations are with dental piggies!

Cat and Rabbit Care Clinic | Northlands Vets
I have just rang them and they said i should have been told about his teeth, the trimmed them before doing his molars, i am getting a call back from the dental vet to seem what can be done, i know he had the jaw problem after the last time but that was ok after using metacam but nothing was given this time.

Edit: @Bill & Ted I would as my car is now on the road but wife uses it as shes a key worker so i need to wait till this virus is settled down :)
I have just rang them and they said i should have been told about his teeth, the trimmed them before doing his molars, i am getting a call back from the dental vet to seem what can be done, i know he had the jaw problem after the last time but that was ok after using metacam but nothing was given this time.

Edit: @Bill & Ted I would as my car is now on the road but wife uses it as shes a key worker so i need to wait till this virus is settled down :)
Aw, fingers crossed for piggie hope they can sort it, it’s so difficult atm, my boy Ted is lodging in Northampton atm with Debbie at TEAS furryfriends for piggies with special needs to be near Simon as it’s such a long way for us and the vets down here are pretty hopeless when it comes to guinea pigs teeth. I suppose they don’t get that many, we have quite a rural population of 500k for the whole county.
@Bill & Ted The nice vet said to give him a carrot (its his treat day anyway) to see if it will pull his loose tooth out as his tooth will grow back in 4-6 days, the chipped tooth is more level now as it seems the top part broke off while eating his carrot. i could not go and get his pain killers today since wife was at work and tomorrow i need to phone up to see if he can have a quick check up if not she has made a appointment for monday to sort his teeth out (she did trim them).

His jaw is starting to get better as i'm seeing him less and less moving it to one side, i thing due to no pain killers it was hurting but it seems the pan is going.

I hope you get to see your piggy soon, very sad to not see the little fluff balls every day.
@Bill & Ted The nice vet said to give him a carrot (its his treat day anyway) to see if it will pull his loose tooth out as his tooth will grow back in 4-6 days, the chipped tooth is more level now as it seems the top part broke off while eating his carrot. i could not go and get his pain killers today since wife was at work and tomorrow i need to phone up to see if he can have a quick check up if not she has made a appointment for monday to sort his teeth out (she did trim them).

His jaw is starting to get better as i'm seeing him less and less moving it to one side, i thing due to no pain killers it was hurting but it seems the pan is going.

I hope you get to see your piggy soon, very sad to not see the little fluff balls every day.
Aw, hope you get your piggie sorted. They have extremely long incisors, if it’s wobbly do check the gums as food can get down into the gum and cause infection.
I look forward to the day we can pick Ted back up, but I know he is in the safest if hand with Debbie and Simon x
Woke up today to find my piggy not coming out his house, checked him over and his loose tooth had snapped but leaving around 4mm showing (just like the vet said would happen) his eating better and is giving his kisses on the wife's cheeks like he does when happy, we are going to keep extra eye on him to make sure he is fine and eating still.