New Born Pup
Hi, my 10 month old has had her second hormone injection for an ovarian cyst. After the first one the vet said he felt that the cyst had gone down and she had out on 10kg. He has now said that she needs to have a scan to check the uterus and check in general for anything he might not be able to feel, and that it is 100% gone. After this if she needs a third hormone injection he could give it to her. I am a bit worried about this as going in for a scan means I have to take her first thing and she stays in all day, this seems really traumatic for her. He has told me to bring her friend so this means both of them in the vets all day.
I was hoping to hear from anyone who may have been through this procedure, or who has had 2 hormone injections for an ovarian cyst, and whether you had to have a scan too?
I was hoping to hear from anyone who may have been through this procedure, or who has had 2 hormone injections for an ovarian cyst, and whether you had to have a scan too?