Hey all, I was wondering if anyone could give me some symptoms of a burst ovarian cyst? My piggie was seen at vet last month for a swelly belly and some small blood spotting and was diagnosed with ovarian cysts to which they recommended spaying and she was put on the wait list. I haven’t been called for that yet but in reading I’ve seen that it seems to be a risky process and some recommended hormone injections. Last night I noticed small amounts of blood again and today when coming home she looked a bit smaller in the belly and seemed wet so I’m wondering if one of the cysts may have burst. I have her some Metacam that was prescribed to her. She also keeps having bouts with broken front teeth. I usually give an oxbow vitamin c biscuit daily and veggies occasionally due to bloat but maybe that’d not enough. Right now both top teeth are broken and she will still munch on hay but not nearly as much since I think it’s harder for her to grasp. Can anyone possibly lend any advise. More vitamin C for the teeth? Her vet said her back teeth looked great at her appt last month. I lost a piggie in November and I’m trying my hardest to keep this one going strong