Outside Play

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 31, 2015
Reaction score
west midlands England
Hiya, I was just wondering if anyone lets their piggies into the garden for free play without a pen? Supervised of course. What are your opinions on this? Thanks :)
You'd have to have a VERY secure garden to do this .

I could never risk it . I still remember the day Bess made a bid for freedom via the privet hedge in our garden .

Bess Made A Bid For Freedom
Oh gosh! Yes we do have a secure garden, it's just that 2 of mine are so energetic their usual floor play does not seem to be enough. We have a pen for the garden but it's not huge. They love to play chase with each other and do generally return when called. Probably best not to risk it then :doh:
mine have escaped twice,running next door and under the bushes in my garden,i left the run door open,with food in it.katie my cat rounded them up like a sheep dog!2 hours later they all went back in and i shut the run door!now ive got a six foot run that was hand made....but too heavy for me to lift,but no escapes now!piggyowner it must have been distressed.i refused to get uptight to there antics the 2nd time and ignored them,but watched and supervised from a distance.:))
I've seen a fox walk through our garden several times - and we are surrounded by people who have dogs. I won't take the risk ever again.
I personally wouldn't take the risk.
So many dangers out there.
Maybe try and come up with a way to increase their outdoor space, but totally free - no chance!
Yeah I'm not gonna risk it so thought I would start to do some more training with them in their usual room, mazes,tunnels and things to jump over. That should wear them out lol. I'll take some pics later
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