Outside Piggys ?

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Hi just wanted to pick some brain cells! ;) Piggy slaves who keep piggys outside ( not in sheds) When do you take them outside and bring them back in? Or do you keep them outside all year round. I'm asking because at some point in the next 12 - 18 months we are going to have to move house. My ideal would be that we wouldnt have to move id buy a nice big shed with lovely sized hutches and theyd have that plus a run in the summer and then come back in for winter . Mine at the mo are indoor piggys all the time but when new baby comes theres just no room...And i dont really want to buy a new big shed and then have problems moving it .Or are they easy to move? I'm totally useless with this subject but I'm trying to plan a head...Any advice would be fab. Thankyou in advance x
Well, my outdoor piggies are still in my shed at the moment as i cant have any pets in the house ::) I only bought them in when it was really cold and windy but i cant remember what month :P They be going back out in the summer but most of their summer days is on our lawn anyway :D

Is there NO possibility that they cant stay in your house as if they have been bought up in a warm house and then made to go putside they may not survive the weather ? Mine have always lived outside so will stay outside but id never move my indoor piggies in my shed to an outdoor hutch or something ~ Itd be different if your on about putting them from your house into a shed though O0 If they will be going in a shed then id recommend getting a little heater in there too ;D
I totally understand what your saying ...ive had the same thoughts and loads of worries myself ..About moving them outside.. The ideal would be to get the shed and heating and move the shed but I'm not sure how easy that is..? ?

Anyone ever moved house n taken their shed with them?? I'm telling you everyone keeps saying to me you worried about the birth n the only thing I'm worried about is ..wanting the best for my piggys :smitten:
Awwwww bless :smitten:

Well if your on about moving then if you can get someone to take it down for you and transport it then I'm sure they can erect it back together for you O0 My step dad picked up my shed for me and put it up in less than a day with all my piggies in it too so it cant be that hard ~ Also depends how big your shed is and what its made from ~ Mine was wood and is 10ft by 6 ft
my piggies have been outside since nov and they have been fine. They are in the shed no heaters as its too far away from the house. They have a snugglesafe and are free range in shed. I put extra hay out for them. going to get a run for the warmer weather and attach it to the shed so they can come and go at their leisure during the day. The shed has a barn door and in the warmer weather its open most or some of the day.
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