Outside Guinea Pigs Laptime?

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 22, 2016
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Hi Everyone, I am new to this forum and we have had our 3 female piggies for around a week now. They are currently living in a big outside hutch whilst the weather is nice. We want to start having daily lap time with them now so that they get used to being handled, but how am I best approaching this? Do we sit near the hutch and do it outside or put them into a box or something and bring them indoors for daily laptime? I don't want them to b traumatized by the process & I'm also worrying about how to go about it when it's raining. Lol sorry I've done nothing but worry about them since they came home.
Any advice would b greatly appreciated :)
Thank you, Emma
I've always brought my piggies inside for laptime. I'm too worried that they'll break free and escape on me!
Thank you :) that's one thing I was worried about. How do you bring them indoorsmsy I ask?
We just carry them since they're very relaxed, but we get others to carry them inside using a snuggle sack when they're being pigsat. :)
Ah I see, we have only had them just a week and I'm worried we will scare them carrying them to the house :( funnily enough I've just been looking at the snuggle sacks :)
When we need to move ours around (for weighing, or take them outside for grass time) we use a large cardboard box with an old piece of fleece in it. At first we used the tunnel method from the video above, but now they are quite happy to be caught, so we just pick them up.
I would also bring them inside for lap time, so if one does get away they aren't loose outsdie.
Thank you for your advice :) I think later we shall try the tips from the video & a cardboard box & definately bring them inside :)
Just another question lol. How long should lap time be to begin with?
So we managed to have 10mins lap time yesterday and going to try the same again later today & offer some apple to them.
Thank you all so much for your advice it has really helped x :tu: :D
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