Outdoors in daytime...?


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 23, 2019
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We have had our two piggies for about 2 months now. They live in our living room in a homemade hutch that is 11 ft square, plus a long upper hayloft. We have a small outdoor run but want to get a larger outdoor set up so they can enjoy more time outside in the warmer weather - partly because I think they would enjoy it and partly to lessen the smell/cleaning of the inside hutch, as they wouldn't be in it as often. My husband complains a bit about the smell of the indoor hutch and we are already spot cleaning it most days and having a full clean about every 5 days.

I was thinking that in the spring and summer they could stay outside for a large chunk of the day, and just come inside for the evening/night. I could put a large run that is half on grass and half on patio which I thought would help their nails. Things I am not sure about are:

- is putting them outside in the day and bringing them inside in the evening ok? Someone said on here that this is a bad idea because temperature changes are not good for them and it is better to have them outside all the time or inside all the time. But I am currently at home all day so dont need to put them outside unless the weather is ok, and can always bring them in if I need to.

- I was thinking of getting a smallish hutch with a covered, attached run for when they are outside, so they are secure but can also come and go as they please. The one I am looking at is 7.5 square feet of inside space plus the outdoor run (ideally something 3m x 1m or 2m x 2m if I can get it). I figured this would be ok as the hutch would mainly be somewhere for them to retreat to if they wanted, but please tell me if I'm wrong.

What do you think? Do they need a proper hutch if they will only be outside in decent weather, or is it overkill and they would be fine with a couple of good quality, solid hidey houses? On the other hand, should I go out and the weather turns bad, I would want them to have somewhere decent to spend time in till I get home again, which is why I was thinking of a proper hutch in the first place.

Sorry this was so long, but thanks for any advice!
I also have two boys, they are in a wooden hutch on legs which has roofing felt on the top. In summer time usually after the first frost has passed (end of May) I move them outside and they are outside until September time (depending on our weather). They are in a covered run with a hidey house etc during days when it’s warm and after the grass is dry. You could do this?

I wouldn’t have them out on the grass all the time as at night this exposes them to predators and also the beauty of a separate run is 1) you can move it about so they get a new patch of grass to nibble on (they are great grass cutters) 2) you are not left with a yellow/ dead patch of grass where the run has been left. I also wouldn’t leave them out in the run and go out for the day, we have a few cats in the area and a few times I’ve come home to find one sat on top of the run :cen:

My boys also start to whiff a bit when they are due cleaning out, I do this every four days as any longer and it’s really bad. I use wood shavings though, which bedding do you use?

Another con to them being outside is you don’t get as much interaction eg, they don’t squeak when they hear the fridge door! As they can’t hear it. Also they will be a bit nervous and hide away for a few days at first as they won’t know where they are.
I've only ever seen a cat in our garden once, but I bet once any local cats got wind of piggies in the garden they'd be around more often! We do get birds of prey in our area, so they will never be anywhere outside that doesn't have a roof. I do like having them in the living room, but although hubby likes them, he is a bit unhappy about the smell, so I was trying to compromise a bit. And I thought it would be nice for them to have more time in the fresh air, but still come inside in the evenings, where its warm and dry.

We are using auboise bedding, and also have a big hayloft that they like. It's fine for several hours after being cleaned, and we spot clean most days, but doing a complete change every 5 days or so is a little pricey on the auboise. I have actually bought some fleece to make liners for the main hutch, and just use auboise/hay in the hayloft. Hoping with regular changing it will be cheaper, and no more smelly!
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My boys were fine with being outside from 10am - 7pm, they LOVED it. The hutch/cage/run needs to be secure so no cats cat poke their legs through, heavy enough so it cant be tipped over, have some kind of roof/ceiling protection (mine was often a big plank of flat wood and some blankets on the sides) with plenty of hidey holes and a water dish/bottle (I dont like bottles for outside because they sit on the outside of the run in the sun)

If you regularly chase the cats away and teach them its not worth the hassle being near your pigs they should learn not to come around, i have strong opinions about outdoor cats anyway!!
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My boys were fine with being outside from 10am - 7pm, they LOVED it. The hutch/cage/run needs to be secure so no cats cat poke their legs through, heavy enough so it cant be tipped over, have some kind of roof/ceiling protection (mine was often a big plank of flat wood and some blankets on the sides) with plenty of hidey holes and a water dish/bottle (I dont like bottles for outside because they sit on the outside of the run in the sun)

If you regularly chase the cats away and teach them its not worth the hassle being near your pigs they should learn not to come around, i have strong opinions about outdoor cats anyway!
I have a mad cat lady living next door to me, she must have at least 5 cats or more so it’s difficult but saying that they don’t seem to bother the piggies that much anymore. We used wire mesh all around the sides and top of the run which has a lift up lid with a lock on. The distance between the wire is about 1cm x 3cm rectangles so no cats or other animals can get in (we have a squirrel that pops up and kites that fly up high in the sky).
I've only ever seen a cat in our garden once, but I bet once any local cats got wind of piggies in the garden they'd be around more often! We do get birds of prey in our area, so they will never be anywhere outside that doesn't have a roof. I do like having them in the living room, but although hubby likes them, he is a bit unhappy about the smell, so I was trying to compromise a bit. And I thought it would be nice for them to have more time in the fresh air, but still come inside in the evenings, where its warm and dry.

We are using auboise bedding, and also have a big hayloft that they like. It's fine for several hours after being cleaned, and we spot clean most days, but doing a complete change every 5 days or so is a little pricey on the auboise. I have actually bought some fleece to make liners for the main hutch, and just use auboise/hay in the hayloft. Hoping with regular changing it will be cheaper, and no more smelly!
I’ve never used auboise, but I’ve heard it’s good and absorbent. I believe fleece is also great, have a read of the guide:

A Detailed Guide For Fleece Bedding