Outdoor runs

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, England
Just curious as usual.. how big do you think a reasonable sized outdoor run should be? We're going to make our own unless we find a decent one for a cheapish price :P
What runs do other people have? They already have one (which is very similar looking to this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RS-APEX-RABBI...ryZ63511QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) but I think it's too small personally. What should we look for when buying or building one? A roof to stop other animals getting in..what else? Should it have a built in shelter or not?

aeems fine for your two, although bigger is always best! ;)

We use the c &c grids to make ours. It's the only time all the girls get along!
kellyandpiggies said:
aeems fine for your two, although bigger is always best! ;)

We use the c &c grids to make ours. It's the only time all the girls get along!

It looks like the one in the link but I don't think it's that big! I'll have a measure later when I go out to feed the chickens..it's all sloppy and wet outside :( Even if it is big enough, the bigger the better hey? ;)
i have one smiller to that but a bit smaller but the door like slids up to open and its a pain it was ok for holly and meggie last summer but it wont be pk for lilly molly and the babies its two small aswell for them all so i will be geting a new one too

i think the best ones to get as the ones where you canletf the top off i think there move safe for geting them in and out
This is mine...


It is 6x4 foot so is actually rather huge for 2 piggys! I have one for Tia & Tilly and one for Angela and Trixie. As you can see, I put a very small box/hutch thingy in there so they have somewhere to go should they want to and add a few toys. Mine is wood and mesh, it folds and has a lid which is bolted shut. I also have tarpaulin covers that fix over one end with velcro should their be risk of a summer shower and to provide shade when needed. The run is very secure so in the summer they are out there all day as there is always someone in the house to keep an eye on them anyway. They love it.

I used to have an apex style one like the one in the link. It was really good but catching them was always a bit tricky as they could get right down in a corner and I couldn't reach them. My runs now are great because the whole lid opens up so I can get in there with them as well!
hopefully when we put our runs out they should be 8' long and divided into two,I'm really looking forward to a mass piggy exodus outside when its warmer
Jane said:
It looks like the one in the link but I don't think it's that big! I'll have a measure later when I go out to feed the chickens..it's all sloppy and wet outside :( Even if it is big enough, the bigger the better hey? ;)

LOL Cheeky madam ;)

You'll see more popcorns if they have tons of space!
Might just buy more cubes to make a run..that way I can fold it up when they're done. I love the wooden ones and everything, but storing them is the problem.
Sehnsucht said:
Hmm i thought about cubes too,foldawayable

Yep, bit hard to fold away a massive wooden run or find room for it somewhere unless you have a reaaaaaaaaalllllllllly big garden :P Our garden is massive but not that big!
Jane said:
Might just buy more cubes to make a run..that way I can fold it up when they're done. I love the wooden ones and everything, but storing them is the problem.

That's what we like! ;)
kellyandpiggies said:
Jane said:
Might just buy more cubes to make a run..that way I can fold it up when they're done. I love the wooden ones and everything, but storing them is the problem.

That's what we like! ;)

Do you make a lid with them too or just leave it open?
We left it open cos we were always outside too. Have got some mesh that we can put over it anyway :)
Beaney said:
This is mine...


It is 6x4 foot so is actually rather huge for 2 piggys! I have one for Tia & Tilly and one for Angela and Trixie. As you can see, I put a very small box/hutch thingy in there so they have somewhere to go should they want to and add a few toys. Mine is wood and mesh, it folds and has a lid which is bolted shut. I also have tarpaulin covers that fix over one end with velcro should their be risk of a summer shower and to provide shade when needed. The run is very secure so in the summer they are out there all day as there is always someone in the house to keep an eye on them anyway. They love it.

I used to have an apex style one like the one in the link. It was really good but catching them was always a bit tricky as they could get right down in a corner and I couldn't reach them. My runs now are great because the whole lid opens up so I can get in there with them as well!

Where did you get your run? Did you make it yourself?
It was from ebay - £60 including delivery which I think was a bargain for the size of it. It is really sturdy too.
It folds flat and is only about 8 inches wide when flat so it slots down the side of my shed.
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