Out of interest

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The signs are similar to that of boars, raising their heads at each other, teeth chattering etc.

I have 2 sows who have decided they hate each other, they started with abit of teeth chattering, the next day I found them in flying around the cage trying to bite each other...

Needless to say they have a divider in their cage now mallethead
I'd say sows exhibit much the same behaviour as boars - persistent chattering, one chasing another out of wherever, one being stopped from eating (bullying in general) actually leaping at each other, drawing blood.

I think when sows are hormonal they can exhibit some of these but it'd pass which is why ive emphasised persistent :)

An example i can give you is a sow i had called Bijou - she was bullied herself as a baby (when i got her she had a bloodied ear). She was fine with older sows but with babies was a total nightmare. I got a young sow of 5wks (to pair with Bijou) but she terrorised her, wouldn't let within 2ft of her & if the baby happened to be on the floor when Bijou came by she was forced to jump onto the log bridges to get out of her way or she was chased & bitten. This went on for approx 7wks & the only way the baby could get from one end of the hutch to the other was via the log bridges & hayracks :(

Maddie was another one; she would persistently chase the other girls in the run & nip them & made them wheek for no reason. They didn't have to be near her & she'd do it. I remember getting 2 babies to bond with her & her cage-mates. It was a disaster; she too terrorised those babies, she would corner them & constantly nip at them (like a pecking hen) or she'd incessantly chase them & nip them & she brought blood - i could hear their wheeks at 2am from my bedroom - obviously i separated them too :(
After Bob died, I got a new companion for Farquhar (both were sows). Farquhar didnt show much interest in her new cage mate Matilda, and whilst they didnt fight, they didnt lie together or groom each other the way Farquhar & Bob did. Sadly Farquhar is no longer with me and I now have Lady Penelope as Matildas companion. She and Matilda get on much better.
I just got Kizzy and Lexi to be friends with Charlotte. On the first day Charlotte and Kizzy had two nasty fights, teeth and all, and a nasty scrap, we separated them and calmed them down after each one and then gave them more space and they settled down. They had a few nips in the first few days but nothing bad, just Charlotte telling Kizzy who is boss now. Charlotte was rumbling almost nonstop the first full day the new girls were here, it has been just over a week and she is still a bit rumbly but they are all quite friendly now. Girls get rumbly if they are being dominant or if they are in heat.
Yes, I have 2

OH OK I was thinking are you going to get some / another one.

My sows all get on okay thank goodness. I have one girl who picks on the ones smaller than her a bit since they went in. Small nips and a bit of chasing if they are in her way. If they aren't in her way she ignores them. I expect when they get to be the same size as her or bigger she won't do that. She doesn't hurt them she is just irritated by them it seems.

I hope they carry on living happily together.
I've only ever seen anything resembling a fight between sows once, and that was when I was trying to reintroduce Holly to the other two after her spay. Her and Cassie had a chattering teeth 'face off' standing still with their heads held really high, and then Holly launched herself at Cassie. Luckily Cassie backed down, although she did get a little bite on the bum!
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