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Out of Hours Vet (Liverpool), Baytril not working 3 Weeks


Forum Donator 2023/24
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
The Wirral and Liverpool (Uni)
Hi Guys!

For those of you who don’t know the situation, I have three piggies, all been in Baytril for a URI for 2+ weeks with very few noticeable improvements (slight increased appetite, not losing weight drastically) they are still all have bright green snot, are lethargic, and have clicky breathing, I can also tell they are losing their appetite again.

I am unable to go to my regular exotic vet tomorrow as it’s bank holiday Monday, are there any 24/hr vets services any of you recommend near Liverpool, as I am running out of Baytril and it isn’t working and need urgent care and advice for them all :)
Out of hours vet provision is usually arranged by your practice- they will have a contract for out of hours provision for their registered clients with a local 24 hour veterinary hospital. Phoning your own practice out of hours should provide details of their out of hours provision. Best of luck x