Out of cage time


New Born Pup
Jan 29, 2024
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Hi everyone, how important is out of cage run time? My two boars had their first time to run out of their cage today and hid away for the whole time. It was a new environment and I understand they were scared, should I keep trying? They have a 21 square foot cage and have enough room for zoomies. Should I wait until they are a bit older to try again? Thank you in advance
They will get plenty of exercise in a cage of that size so out is the cage time is not essential as such. It is good for them to have a change of scenery but you have to follow what they are comfortable with.
Our boys only get to come out once a week in a smallish pen, while we clean out their cage. I do feel sorry for them not having free range time, but unfortunately it's impossible where we live. 😞 We have just brought them a large outside run for summer though, which is actually bigger than their cage! ☺️
Our boys only get to come out once a week in a smallish pen, while we clean out their cage. I do feel sorry for them not having free range time, but unfortunately it's impossible where we live. 😞 We have just brought them a large outside run for summer though, which is actually bigger than their cage! ☺️
Mine are the same! I suppose as long as they’ve got enough room to run about they should be just fine 🥰
My piggies never really liked floor time but would come out and snuggle on the settee on a fleece blanket next to me a few times a week.

Take your cue from your piggies x
They are still getting used to me and their surroundings so I think they don’t appreciate floor time as much as they might in a few months - years, i will definitely pay attention to what they like and carry on with that. Thank you for your suggestion xx