our two boys are being aggressive

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liquorice allsorts

Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 17, 2011
Reaction score
essex uk
some of you will know we have three boys in together, two at 10 weeks, pepper who is four, well this morning i went in to see them, and they obviously thought i had food for them, as this is when i feed them, but today i hadnt got that with me,they were rushng around as they normally are, when liquorice, one of the young ones launched himself at hartley, the other youngster, there was a tussle, no one was hurt, i got their food, and they all ate, but hartley away from the other two, i put them out in the garden, and no lunging, but liquorice is chasing hartley, who runs and then atands chattering his teeth at him, pepper is not getting involved, alyhough this morning after liquorice lunged at hartley, pepper did see off liquorice as if to tell him to behave, is it now time to put a partition in my c &c cage, this is possible, some of the wire partitions across the middle, so they can all see each other? i would leave liquorice with pepper.
i have seen the advice given to pickles and her trio, by wiebke, mine have nt reached the blood drawn stage yet, but liquorice is definetly beng aggressive to hartley, i am going to get them in and do some floor time with food for them, and put them back in together, and hope for the best, i can part them, with some mesh between them, but i dont really want another pig for hartley, as i was hoping they might settle down and get over this hormonal stage and live together later.
A bonding bath may be the best idea, but as said above boar trios are very rarely succesfull.
yes i knew it could be difficult, even after all the advice on here i was given, and followed carefully, i am having problems, but i dont know if i should part them now or wait til possible injury? they are all asleep now in various areas of the cage, i dont know how long to leave this situation safely.
How big is your cage? :)

The only thing i can say, is only you will know whether one piggy is in serious danger of being attacked. If you believe there may be damage inflicted i would personally suggest seperation. Mainly because it already seems that they are unlikely to last the hormonal months so why wait for serious injury? :(

I'm sorry, boys can be a pain.
Well I'll say wait and see if one of them is being more bullied than the others. Then separate them because it's best for the victim! I'm in the same situation it's not funny at all! I will try a bonding bath again when it cools down a little bit.
Also sometimes boys can be a pain during their teen months so maybe they will calm down when they're older. That's what I hope for my Kug so he will leave Pepper alone and they can get on with their lives.
How big is your cage? :)

The only thing i can say, is only you will know whether one piggy is in serious danger of being attacked. If you believe there may be damage inflicted i would personally suggest seperation. Mainly because it already seems that they are unlikely to last the hormonal months so why wait for serious injury? :(

I'm sorry, boys can be a pain.

our cage is a ,c& c cage 7ft x 3ft, two of everything, lots of places to escape, but nothing without a way to escape, so they cant corner each other. ii clean them out thoroughly every three days, and disinfect , and move all the things around, yes boys can be a pain, but i really thought i had a chance as i have been so careful to get everything right ggggrrr, guess these things are sent to try us, and it is a lesson learnt they have settled for the night now, all sleeping, pepper and liquorice together, and hartle on his own,but in the same cage.
Well I'll say wait and see if one of them is being more bullied than the others. Then separate them because it's best for the victim! I'm in the same situation it's not funny at all! I will try a bonding bath again when it cools down a little bit.
Also sometimes boys can be a pain during their teen months so maybe they will calm down when they're older. That's what I hope for my Kug so he will leave Pepper alone and they can get on with their lives.

how strange we have both got peppers! wishing you luck with your trio,honestly i feel like banging their heads together and telling them how lucky they are¬!
got up this morning to a deathly quiet instead of the usual squeaks, three unhappy looking guineas in the cage, decided there and then to part them, spent a lot of time this afternoon, scrubbing and cleaning cages, as need to move them all around now so they all get the space they need, hartley will be next to pepper and liquorice, as they are ok together with a c& c grid dividing them, but i have put a paper bag with hay in it in hartleys side, up against it, hoping that he does nt have to see them if he does nt want to! hartley is in there now, actually looking very relaxed the others are outside, so will get them in soon and see, romeo and marble have now got the huge space, after really thoroughly scrubbing it out, but left their own toys unwashed for all of them so they have some familiarity. so glad no one was hurt.
I'm sorry youve had trouble, but i really think your doing the right thing. Better to be safe than sorry! And maybe now you can see about getting him a new friend.
i think i would worry that a new friend might start this all off again, would nt i have to close up the area betwen the boys/ block off the grid? do you think there is no chance of ever getting them back together? i know i have done the right thing in parting them, but *** hartley get lonely on his own with the other two so close? i will ultimately do what is right for the piggies , as i take animal ownership very seriously.
Two pairs of boars, very rarely argue due to the presence of the other pair. It is best that they cant see each other just to make sure, (but you could just cover the partician in corex) While hartley will be ok with them next door for company short term, it WILL be better if he can get a male friend (a rescue centre will boar date him, to find a friend he hopefull loves) So he wont be alone. :)

I suppose you COULD try to reintroduce, but seeing and these three obviously have problems getting along, i would say given that trios have to be VERY well balanced personailty wise to work long term, It would probably be easier for you, and them (as all the arguing will be causing stress) to have two boar pairs, in seperate cages.

This is ofcourse my opinion and someone else may come along with something more (and different) to add.
i will see how it goes, short term, they are now being quite grumpy with each other through the wire, but i feel sure that they will settle, as this is how liquorice was on the arrival of marble and romeo, he is quite a character, and i would say very dominant.
Trios can be very hit and miss. I've only ever had two successful trios as well as one failed trio. I'm sure they'll be okay for now as they can still still one another so aren't lonely, they cannot touch. Never say never about introducing them at a later date. Bounty is seriously aggressive but other boars but I haven't given up yet and will try him again once hes more mature.
peace has prevailed in the" guinea room ", we weighed them tonight ( all five of them, and guess what, marble is the heaviest! ), we wanted to make sure that the arguments that were going on hadnt caused them stress, and maybe weight loss, pepper has lost 1 oz, in a week, but not too concerned,as he was in the thick of it. we weigh them weekly so will check him again next week. hartley seems very happy now, but they are all saying hello through the wire, with a bit of rumble strutting going on! i feel very relieved that we intervened before it got really serious, will see how it goes like this for a while, and might try again, once all the hormonal stages are over.
Hehe Marble being the heaviest :p
Yeah, well hormones can last up to 18 months of age, Bounty has only just turned 12 months and I think he is going to need a good while longer to tell if he'll settle down just a tad.
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