Sars1359 said:
I would love to see everyones electric bills after xmas :o
last year we put out over 60 lights and our bill was extortonate over £700 but might just have been the pigs oil filled rads as well, good thing we changed them to panel heaters this year, we are not putting our lights out this year as the wind is awlful so most would end up broken, shame as we have 4 hugh blow ups as well, we got them down from loft last week but spent yesterday putting them back up in loft Oscar over the road is mad for it and spends a fortune but he had a knee op done last month and is'nt well enough we normally get the local buses doing a lights tour including ours but they will be disapointed, last year we were added in a book some one was writing about chrsitmas lights and was in the local paper as well, both us and Oscar live on a hill so the lights used to light up the whole area and we had to have police cones out lol