Our New Boy :-)

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 12, 2014
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So I've posted a couple of threads already begging advice from you knowledgable folks so I thought the least I could do is update you on our journey so far! Basically we had been looking into getting a pair of piggies for the last few months with my 8 year old daughter keenly researching from library books and us googling which led us to you guys here. I kept pigs myself when I was younger but things have come on leaps and bounds since then! Well we were putting money aside and writing out our lists as to what we needed and trying to work out the best way to get our new family members with a trip to Hutches looking the best idea when our new boy fell into our laps.

His name is Biscuit, he is a smooth coated boar who is the same colour as a digestive with a little white tuft on his head and he is quite possibly one of the cutest things I've ever seen! He has such a wonderful little personality which we are seeing more of each day and he is about 6 months old.

I work in a local school and my daughter being the quiet soul she is had told everyone and kept telling everyone we were going to rescue some piggies soon and I was approached by one of the parents offering me Biscuit. She had bought him from a pet shop with a baby rabbit and funnily enough that wasn't working out so he's been living in a hamster cage! on his own for the last 2 months and because he isn't as cute as the bunny her kids aren't interested so he hasn't been getting handled and was being fed rabbit food :-( We went and got him that evening, he was flipping terrified and I couldn't believe my eyes, a hamster cage, seriously! He's in a ferplast 100 just now as a temporary measure and he thinks its a palace in comparison!

So we picked him up last Wednesday, frantically phoned round local vets on Thursday and got him in with one who has an exotics specialist. He had his nails clipped, was diagnosed with a URI and put on Baytril and is due in again at the start of next week unless he goes downhill which he thankfully isn't! We're trying him on different veggies each day to make sure he doesn't have an adverse reaction to anything and so far he is obsessed with parsley and all colours of pepper :-)

He is an absolute joy to have around and is happy enough to come out of his hidey to eat and drink when we're in the room and he popcorned for the first time tonight when his veggies went in! He will eat from our hands and will sit on my lap as long and has basically stolen our hearts!

I will now doubt be making lots of threads in the coming weeks and months on all sorts of things so please bear with the newbie silly questions and thank you so much for all your help and advice thus far :-D
Oh poor Biscuit. He really was neglected. I am so happy he is with you now and will be loved and cared for. I hope he get better soon.
He sounds wonderful, glad he has settled in so well and hope he feels much better soon.
Poor boy! Glad that he is in a loving home now! He won't know what has hit him, but certainly enjoy the good things coming his way!
Thanks so much for your kind responses :-) there was no way I could leave him there and I'm hoping that once he has the all clear and is fully settled here we can sort out either getting another boar or having him neutered and getting him a gf and we will either be constructing a c&c or getting one of those fab 100x100 square cages from little pet warehouse I think it is
so pleased you got him out. Its unreal what people have them living in. My friend had two large full grown boars in a 70 cm cage until i swapped it with a 100 cm cage i had bought for mine until i saw this forum and realised my sows needed more space. I realise this is too small and actually bought a 120 cage cheap off ebay and asked her if she wanted to buy it off me for a tenner and teh 100 cm cage and her answer was she would rather spend her money on the kids and wasnt interested
Poor chap doesn't sound like he's had the best start in life but lucky for him that you were in the market for a piggy and are making his life better. Well done on rescuing a piggy and for thinking of his physical and emotional welfare.
Goodness me poor Biscuit. What a miserable start to life. I am very glad that you have him now.
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