Our C&C cage :)

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Jul 30, 2007
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Liverpool, UK
Anyone think this will be an improvement on the 1 they hav now (nero 3)? obviously when it's finished! :P they're still only tiny they'll get lost in there! It's 4x3 grids with a 1x2 upper level, need 2 get a ramp and the coroplast sorted out and make it nice and safe!

Hope they like it :) x
Sorry meant to say it's a 1x3 upper level :) i got the grids from screwfix, 2 packs of 16 ( 4 full cubes per pack) at £18.99, don't know if thats any help to you, i've heard B&Q do them a lot cheaper but the one by us never had any x
I've put them in there now, they don't know what to do with themselves! They're still sleeping in the 1 pigloo though and there's 2 pigloos and a comfy cushion and a few tubes in there! Bless them i don't think they think they'll be staying long! It looks so bare though, need to get some good toys in there! the upstairs isnt done yet because we've still gotta sort out a ramp :) should be done 2morrow though! Do you think it will be ok if i use a fleece for bedding with newspaper underneath and hay in their pigloos and in the hay rack? They had vetbed in their other cage but i cant find a piece big enough for this! I'd be changing the bedding every 2 days? Please let me know if this will be ok! Thanks xxxxx
normally you find that poop sticks to fleece, as does hay i use polyester sheets, voile tab tops are good you can pick them up for like £5 and under for one, i lay mine over towels though so I'm not sure how great it would work just over paper..
Ok thanks il look into getting some lol! I have a question (for a change hehe) since i've put them in there they haven't shut up! they're sqeaking really loudly to eachother and they don't normally do this 98) i thought they were in pain but they were just sitting there or walking round and it's really loud! They've had their second dose of ivomec 2day could this be anything to do with it? they were fine after the first dose! I'm a bit confused i can't work out what's up! R they just excited? Or do they have to shout loud to hear eachother in such a big new house? Or are they upset or in pain? Please help ! x
Cor, that's nice and wide, isn't it? Mine's 5 x 2 with a 2 x 2 loft, but I've used the grids instead on mesh.

Well done! O0
Wow... that looks great! Wish I had the room to do that! *sigh* One day!

Just out of interest... what do people with c&c's use as a base? Big sheet of mdf then put newspaper on the top? Or just straight onto the floor with newspaper on (wondered if that might be quite difficult on carpet?)

Also... on the top level... what is to stop them jumping out of the side (at the top of the ramp). Sorry if I sound a bit 'doopid' for asking :-\ 98)
They're not stupid questions! Since posting this picture i've put 2 more grids at the side nearest on the photo so they can't jump out of the cage and the ramp itself has a side to stop them jumping/falling the other way! Atm they're on fleece with newspaper underneath and ripped up and taped down bin bags underneath that (dont worry there's no way they can get to that!) to save the carpet, but that's just for tonight because my dad will have finished the coroplast thingy base by 2morrow, he's such a perfectionist! been putting stuff to stop them hurting themselves on and everything, making sure it 'looks good' aswell, there's no 'just tape the sides' with him! Then once thats in il probly have newspaper down with the fleece over and swap the fleeces every 2days or so, thing is they don't wee on the floor anymore, i baught them a rabbit cosy thing to lie in, like a kitten bed but for rabbits and guinea pigs and all they've done since is poop and wee in it! They hardly even poo outside it either! Just hope they don't lie on it aswell haha! makes it easy for me to clean anyway but I'm probably going to have to buy another one so i can swap them whilst the other is in the wash! Strange piggies! But they love it ( i think) they're certainly more lively now they're in there! x
The squeaking could be that they are just calling for the others. Mine always do it when put in a new area alone but once the others are with them they'll be fine unless of course one goes wandering off then the other will squeal and back the other dashes :smitten:
Well there are only the two of them and they're both in there, i've listened at the door and i never hear them but when i go in they start talking to eachother, i think they're just telling eachother I'm there and to be careful coz i might pick them up haha! They're still not settled in completely they're not scared of us, they don't hide unless we seriously chase them to pick them up lol! One of them squeks constantly anyway it's like she's talking to heself if that makes sense? Her little noise changes when she's talking to bumble, it's cute! They're not doing it as loud or often today anyway, i think they were just a bit on edge yesterday after going to the vets and being put in a new environment, must have been an eventful day for them! Thanks for the advice x
awww... sounds so cosy! Hope your piggies are grateful they're living in luxury! ;D

Thanks for explaining! 98) ;D Seen some c&c cages and the top of the ramp looks a bit 'exposed' to piggies jumping out! Would worry me to death!

One more general question... what do you buy to go around the edges to make it more solid looking - to stop hay and woodshavings making a mess outside the cage? Is that the coroplast (does it stand for 'corogated plastic'? Oh dear...I'm a bit slow today! Just thought I'd ask in case I decide to get one in the future! :D

Fair do's... it looks fab! O0 Sounds like you've got a good handy man there! ;D
Piggyloon - there should be no spillage of hay or bedding if the coroplast (it's called correx in the UK if you're ever looking to buy it) is cut high enough. My correx is cut slightly higher than the level a pet shop cage base would be.

I love your cage jnenbnb! I use polyester fleece in my cage and, in 2 years of using it, I have never had a problem with poops sticking to it. They just brush right off. I also made an area with megazorb and hay that they absolutely love burying themselves in. Don't worry about them squeaking to one another, mine do this as well.
thanks for that DSL! Sorry for asking! C&C cages are all new to me :D Wouldnt know what I'd be buying! Do they come in a kit or do you have to but all the components seperately? Comes across on the guineapigcages website like all the materials are from separate companies.
Thanks for that DSL the fleece hasn't been a problem so far, its not as bad as the vetbed was for hay and poop sticking to it! Nope they dont come in a pack piggyloon, you buy the grids and the correx separate, my grids came from screwfix i got 2 packs which contained 16 grids each (you get the connectors with it) so i got 32 grids and iv got a few over but just didnt have that much room lol! Might make the upper level bigger, i've heard B&Q do the grids cheap but in most stores you have to get them ordered in as they don't stock them! The correx is from B&Q but it was completely the wrong shape, good job my dad is so handy lol he's had some cutting and fixing to do but its done the job, i'd advise you to order the correx from the internet really as you're more likely to get the right size etc. I thought it meant corrugated plastic too but everywhere i went came up with actually corrugated plastic when i asked which is exactly the same as corrugated iron (except plastic obviously lol) the one i got is more comonly known as fluted corrosomething- or- other lol for roofing, be better to get it from somewhere else trust me! Hope that answers a few of your questions, if you have anymore just ask we don't mind questions that's what the forums for lol x
PiggyLoon said:
thanks for that DSL! Sorry for asking! C&C cages are all new to me :D Wouldnt know what I'd be buying! Do they come in a kit or do you have to but all the components seperately? Comes across on the guineapigcages website like all the materials are from separate companies.

The grids are actually a modular storage unit, intended for clothes etc, not cages! I got my correx from CPS supplies that sell on ebay - just do a search there for "correx". You can order kit cages from Sue via guineapigcages.com but it comes all the way from the USA and the postage matches the great weight and size of the item, not to mention the distance it has to come!

jnenbnb - is the plastic you're using really thick?
Ah. Right think I know what you mean! Obviously you'd want the stuff more like corrigated cardboard (with a flat surface and the wavy bit in the middle)... rather than the plastic you use for carports which has huge wavy funnels. So the stuff you need is correx O0 Wasnt sure of the name. Say if you were on a spongey carpet - suppose that correx stuff would make quite a good waterproof base.

8) Thanks so much! That explains it to me! If I ever decide to get a c&c I wouldnt want the hassle of ordering the wrong thing - esp from the US! Dont think Ive got anymore more questions at the mo... but if I do I'll let you know! ;D ;D ;D You'll regret you said that! ;D But really - thanks - that does clear it up for me - hopefully for others who were wondering too.

Yup thats more or less the same as mine but my dad put some white corner plastic around the sideas to help it keep the shape n make it a bit more solid he said 98), how do you get your fleece to stay in place? We've just got the corners tucked down the plastic at the moment until we figure out something better! It's more or less done now just need to get them some better toys and want to get them a hammock! Here are some pictures :)



They're eating some carrot and corriander in this pic lol!
Let me know if there's anything i can do to make it better :)
Emma x
That looks really good. Your pigs won't know what to do with themselves with all that room. O0
OMG... its looks brilliant now its all furnished! ;D Lucky little pigs! Good that you've got the ramp the wall side O0 Do they go up and down it much or they a bit scared of it at the mo?

Like the funky floor! psychedelic! :D :D :D
I know it is a bit loud isnt it? I thought it would blind them but we could only find stripey fleeces lol! The 1st time they went up the ramp completely fine and bee came down fine, but went back up because she doesnt like doing stuff without bumble, then bumble bottled it on the way down and bee must have completely forgot she'd already gone down once fine and started crying too lol! so they were both at the top for a while shoving eachother to go first and squeeking like mad before bee decided to be brave and come down with bumble right behind her! Talk about save yourself haha! But they seem ok with it now lol they have to go up there because their big pink toilet is up there haha! O0 glad you like it, as i said will be getting more exciting toys soon x
Kool i wish i had the space to have a cage like that.
But he does get plenty of freedom running about the house.

Amy.x. :smitten:
Your C&C cage is awesome!
I am so jealous :laugh: Is there anyone here who lives in Melbourne, Australia that has a C&C cage?
I have looked everywhere and I can't find any.
Can someone please help me?
I am driving myself crazy trying to find C&C.
Please, please someone help.
Irene x
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