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Oreo’s eye


New Born Pup
Nov 14, 2023
Reaction score
So, my two piggies got into a fight and Oreo got injured in the eye. She got a blackish lump on her eye 😭 I’m using a saline solution and an antibiotic ointment for the past 3 days but I don’t see improvement and I’m getting really worried.
I am very sorry to hear this 😞 Did Oreo see a vet with her eye? If not, I recommend that you do so asap. The antibiotic ointment you’re using may be the wrong sort for the injury. If the ointment was prescribed by a vet, please give it more time. Eye injuries can take several weeks to heal if they’re bad enough x
So, my two piggies got into a fight and Oreo got injured in the eye. She got a blackish lump on her eye 😭 I’m using a saline solution and an antibiotic ointment for the past 3 days but I don’t see improvement and I’m getting really worried.

Hi and welcome

You need to see a vet as soon as possible.

Eye treatment and medication in guinea pigs is the same as for dogs or cats, so any general vet familiar with those species can deal with it. This is the one area where speed of treatment comes before specialist knowledge.

The damaged eye needs to be assessed with a special dye under UV light and then taken from there depending on the findings. No treatment can result in the loss of the eye.

All the best. Please let us know after you have seen a vet so we can support you with practical tips during treatment and recovery.
Please do get her to see a vet as soon as possible. It sounds like she needs urgent review.