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Orchid flowers, are they poisonous?


Forum Buddy
May 31, 2014
Reaction score
North Wales, UK
Well I was just cleaning the piggies' chair and noticed that an orchid flower that fell from the plant was eaten. Not sure if it's Bryce or Whitney though. Last night, when a couple of it fell, I saw Bryce sniffing it or trying to nibble it but I managed to pick it up from him. But not tonight. I didn't realise that the last couple of flowers would fall too. They have never touched them in the past, so not sure why the interest now. Anyway, both piggies seem to be acting normal. They are currently tucked in their loft now.

Well I was just cleaning the piggies' chair and noticed that an orchid flower that fell from the plant was eaten. Not sure if it's Bryce or Whitney though. Last night, when a couple of it fell, I saw Bryce sniffing it or trying to nibble it but I managed to pick it up from him. But not tonight. I didn't realise that the last couple of flowers would fall too. They have never touched them in the past, so not sure why the interest now. Anyway, both piggies seem to be acting normal. They are currently tucked in their loft now.

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House plants are not recommended to keep near guinea pig cages but all you can do is to keep an eye on them for the enxt day or so. I wouldn't think that the flowers are toxic.

House plants are not recommended to keep near guinea pig cages but all you can do is to keep an eye on them for the enxt day or so. I wouldn't think that the flowers are toxic.
Thanks @Wiebke! The houseplant is on a high shelf that the piggies won't be able to reach or even smell. It usually are ignored by them when the dead flowers fall and goes occasionally to where their chair is, but for some reason last night Bryce took interest on it that I quickly removed it anyway. I didn't expect that the 2 flowers left would fall again where the piggies are coz they looked alive when I saw last night. Either way, there are no flowers again and no buds coming out of the orchid. The other orchid is away from where they are too.