Does anyone has experience with orange/brown marks left on fleece by female piggies? Sometimes powdery, sometimes mucus like. Up to a couple of mm in diameter. I suspected blood in urine - an UTI. Test at vets came back positive for blood in urine, negative for bacteria or crystals. She got a course of antibiotics and pain meds. The vet speculates bleeding likely originates in the reproductive tract, but can't investigate further as she does not have sensitive enough equipment. She refered me to a specialist. The piggie is less active, but this could also be related to her recently losing her cage mate to bloat (their diet was OK, it was an unforunate event). She perked up with therapy, marks on fleece persist (definitely not worse, perhaps a little less of them). I guess my question is should I proceed with further veterinary investigation of this immediately or is this an issue known to someone here and is perhaps not as urgent and we can observe for a little while if the condition clears out?